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LOS ANGELES MEMORIAL COLISEUM had become the battleground between God's children, and the sight of so many angels in one place was nothing short of overwhelming. Michael stood on one side with most of his siblings behind him, but Lucifer had his own little team to support him – and as Izzy and Mazikeen entered the Coliseum, they brought reinforcements with them. They had gathered demons from Hell, a group which Mazikeen was bravely leading with Izzy right by her side.

"At my command, brothers and sisters!" Mazikeen shouted in Lilim, the sound of the language sending a shiver down Izzy's spine as she looked over to her favorite demon of all in amazement. Together, they walked the group of demons to the center of the Coliseum, proud to stand with Lucifer who smiled at Michael smugly.

"Very cute. A little demon army. But you still don't stand a chance", Michael called out, unfazed as he stared at the women. "How many times do I have to tell you humans, your bullets can't hurt me?" he sighed, and happy to prove him wrong, Izzy whipped out her gun and without hesitation, fired a round right into his wings. The bullet tore through the feathers, making the angel groan loudly as he crouched over in pain, and satisfied that she had been able to wound him, Izzy smiled. Her, Kai and Chloe shared the bullets melted from Mazikeen's blades, whereas Benjamin was armed with a baseball bat fitting for slowing down the angels.

"So, you see, dear brother, we're more evenly matched than you anticipated. Now, I know you want to avoid bloodshed amongst our siblings, as do I. So... why don't we just, you know, shed each other's? I win, Godhood is mine. You win, you have my full support and I'll crawl back to Hell like a good little Devil", Lucifer announced with confidence, also enjoying the sight of Michael standing up with a pained groan. His brother, however, had other plans.

"When I win, you won't be crawling anywhere", Michael argued with a grin, "this is to the death."

Swallowing thickly, Izzy glanced at Lucifer. She had faith in him, and the idea of Michael dead brought her immense satisfaction, but she was painfully aware that since Michael was in the possession of the Flaming Sword, he had an unfair advantage. Still, Lucifer didn't seem discouraged.

"So be it", he agreed, and with that, he revealed his wings and flew right at Michael.

Holding her breath, Izzy watched as the two angels dueled, Lucifer trying to hold his own while Michael swung at him with the Sword. Everyone stayed still, letting the brothers fight, even if they ached to help him – Benjamin was tightly grasping Chloe's hand as he anxiously watched the love of his life defend himself from his brother.

Amenadiel called out to Lucifer and threw him Zadkiel's staff, giving him a fair fighting chance. Armed with the Tree of Life, he flew up and Michael followed him, causing everyone to look up to the sunny sky where the two continued fighting. It was hard to tell who was winning, as Michael seemed to have the upper hand but Lucifer would kick him down, only for Michael to rise again. It would have been an even fight if it wasn't for the Flaming Sword, which Michael swiftly realized to use to cut down Zadkiel's staff. It broke in two pieces, and as Lucifer was defenseless, Michael kicked him down to the ground.

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