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                     ONCE MORE, IZZY WAS SUBDUED BY INSOMNIA. The one time she managed to doze off, she had jumped awake from a nightmare so vivid it still had its hooks in her, sending a chill down her spine as she recalled the images she had seen. But when her alarm rang and she had to actually be ready for the upcoming day, a smile still touched her lips, and her hand searched for Mazikeen's under the covers. No matter how dreadful the night had been, she was still lucky enough to wake up next to her best girl, and that was enough to wipe away the horrible nightmare.

                     Rolling to her side, Izzy nuzzled closer to Maze, her nose brushing against hers as she mumbled a hoarse good morning. Even with her eyes still closed, Mazikeen broke into a grin of her own, leaning in when Izzy pressed a kiss onto her forehead.

                     "This is my favorite part", Maze muttered, not really specifying if she meant the day or life in general, but either way Izzy would have agreed. She made a resounding noise and then curled up into Maze's chest, letting the demon wrap an arm around her to cuddle into her.

                     "Should I ask about what you said last night?" Izzy murmured, careful to approach the subject – and rightfully so, as she immediately felt Maze stiffen around her. She supposed there was no need to specify what she meant, then, but made sure to tilt her head upwards to kiss Maze's chin softly. "It's okay. I'm all ears."

                     Maze took in a deep breath. "Lucifer, Chloe, my mom... It feels like everyone is walking out on me and I wonder if I'm just not right. Good enough. I don't want you to go, too", she explained quietly, and chuckled when Izzy turned to look up at her with a stern stare – the kind that wanted to prove her wrong immediately. "I just needed to hear it, I guess", Maze added before licking her lips and hesitating, "I've been thinking about finding my mom."

                     "Lilith?" Izzy was surprised, it was obvious on her face as she sat up on the bed and crossed her long legs. "I mean- if that's what you want to do... I support you. 'Cause I'm on your team, Mazikeen, and I always will be. I won't leave you. You're more than good enough", she assured, giving Maze a soft smile that was reflected back at her instantly.

                     "I know Lucifer knows something. I'm gonna find out what", Maze announced, giving Izzy a defiant look before throwing the covers off of her naked form and climbing up from the bed. Picking off her bra from the floor, she began getting dressed, whereas Izzy stayed in bed with the blanket clutched to her chest.

                     "Lucifer?" she frowned, "how do you know?"

                     Glancing over her shoulder, Maze shrugged. "Michael told me", she said, simple as that, and Izzy leaned back into the pillows with widening eyes.

                     "You've been talking to Michael?" she uttered, not even realizing the words left her mouth when a spell of dizziness hit her in the head, her eyes squinting shut as she tried to process what she had just heard. She remembered his grin, the strong smell of aftershave, the feeling of his fingers around her neck...

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