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EVEN WITH A SOUL INTACT, Mazikeen hadn't lost her fiery personality and the demonic side of her that Izzy adored so much. As much was confirmed when Lucifer came over to their apartment with a proposal that, to Mazikeen, was most intriguing, but to Izzy, was absolutely a terrible idea.

"What do you mean you're going to prank Dan?" she asked in concern, painfully aware that her friend was going through it in every sense of the phrase, the discovery of the Devil and all things celestial taking its toll on the man. He was struggling greatly to come to terms with it all, not to mention his massive fear of going to Hell – so the idea of pranking him on top of everything didn't please Izzy.

"He shot me, Izzy! I must exact my revenge on the man. I won't have it any other way. I've been planning this ever since he pulled the gun on me. It's going to be wonderful, and Mazikeen here is going to play the starring role", he declared while Maze made a dramatic bow. Giving him a serious look, Izzy folded her arms over her chest and sighed.

"Do what you must, but I won't be part of it. He needs at least one person to trust", Izzy decided, and with a groan, Lucifer accepted defeat.

"Very well. I admire your integrity. But I trust you won't tell Daniel about this?" he asked hopefully, and as much as Izzy wanted to call him up right now and warn him, he supposed that a little payback for trying to put Lucifer in the ground was in order. So, reluctantly, she shook her head.

"I'll just avoid him for the day. Go easy on him, alright?" Izzy requested with worry etched on her forehead, only for Lucifer to dismiss her concerns with a chuckle.

"I will do no such thing. Thank you, ladies!" With that, he kissed the top of Izzy's head and headed for the front door, earning a roll of eyes from Isadora who turned to Mazikeen. The demon grinned at her with promises of how fun it was going to be but failed to convince Izzy.

"I'd rather not go to Hell because I feel guilty about Dan", Izzy stated matter-of-factly, making Maze snort. "Anyway, I have an appointment with a therapist, so I should get going. I'm a little nervous, to be honest", the redhead continued while getting up from the couch, wiping her clammy palms against her jeans before grabbing her keys and phone from the kitchen counter.

"Oh, baby, it'll be alright. And if she sucks, I'll personally kick her ass. Deal?" Maze suggested, appearing behind Izzy just to get one more kiss in before she could leave.

Smiling, Izzy returned the kiss, passionately leaning in. "Deal", she muttered after pulling away, wiping Mazikeen's hair away from her face before stepping away. "Tell Dan I had nothing to do with the prank."

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