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THANKS TO MAZIKEEN'S IMPECCABLE HUNTING SKILLS, the two women had located Dan who had spent the past day seeking solution to all his problems at the bottom of a whiskey glass that had been refilled time and time again. The man looked a mess, with the dark circles beneath his eyes indicating that he hadn't slept since he had shot. Izzy felt pity for him, but at the same time, she knew they didn't have any time for coddling – Chloe needed their help, and Dan was their key to finding her.

"Pull yourself together, dude. You look pathetic", Maze complained, always the less gentle one of the two, adding a scoff to rub salt in the wound. With a roll of his eyes, Dan lifted his head from the bar counter and glanced between Maze and Izzy before returning to his drink and drawing a loud sip from it.

"Yeah? Who cares, man. Nothing matters anymore. I'm going to Hell and I'll never see Charlotte again", he muttered in despair, and sighing, Izzy snuck past Maze to place a hand on Dan's shoulder and level with him.

"Come on, Dan. This isn't you. You don't know that you're going to Hell. And right now, there's something you can do to avoid it. Chloe and Benjamin are missing. The mother of your children, your own brother", Izzy emphasized, and it seemed to be enough – Dan's eyes widened as he turned to meet Izzy's serious stare, shock and fear twisting his features into something more than a drunken stupor. "We think Michael's behind it. We need you to tell us everything you know about him", she continued, and with a groan, Dan buried his face in both hands.

"I can't trust anyone", he moaned, and tutting, Izzy shook her head, reaching for Dan's face and turning it to look back at her.

"You can trust me. You know you always can. Since day one, Dan, I've been on your team. You're never alone as long as I'm alive", she swore, cradling his face in her gentle hands, loyalty burning bright behind her eyes. Slowly, he nodded, realizing she was right – they could always rely on each other, if no one else.

"Okay", Dan exhaled, "take me to Lucifer."


IZZY DOUBTED DAN AND LUCIFER'S REUNION would be pleasant, but it had to be done. She held Dan's hand as her and Maze walked him back to the precinct, but just as Izzy had predicted, as soon as they walked through the bullpen, Lucifer was pouncing on the man, his hands yanking Dan by the collar of his shirt and ripping him away from Izzy.

"Tell me everything, Daniel. My brother took your brother, the-the man I love, and I need answers, for crying out loud!" Lucifer cried out, and trying to act as mediator, Izzy shoved herself between the two men, encouraging the Devil to let go of the man that was already so terrified of him.

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