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AFTER ANOTHER SURPRISINGLY SMOOTHLY GONE NIGHT, Izzy was back at Lux, enjoying the thrum of the music with a drink in her hand and both of the Espinoza brothers by her side. Coincidentally, both of them were also in shambles about God, something that Izzy plain refused to be – she was unimpressed by Him and His vague answers for everything she and Mazikeen had tried to question Him about. Not to mention the family dinner that Lucifer had mentioned, which, according to Benjamin, hadn't gone quite as well as hoped.

"So, because God wasn't able to say that He loves His children, Lucifer now believes he isn't capable of love, either", the younger brother sighed, watching in frustration as Izzy and Dan sipped on their respective drinks, "I'm starting to wish I didn't give sobriety a go."

Sympathetically, Izzy put her drink down and placed a hand on Benji's shoulder. "Don't say that. I won't let you break your streak", she tutted before licking her lips tentatively. "It's not always easy to date a supernatural being, but it pays off in the end. Just stick with Lucifer and you'll show him that love is possible for him, too", the Holt advised, and solemnly, Benjamin nodded, taking every word into consideration.

Before she could say anything more, Dan was gasping from beside her. "You really are dating a demon, Iz. You're... She's...", he was at a loss for words, earning a soft smile from Izzy who wasn't quite sure what to say to help him process. She couldn't blame him, though – she hadn't taken finding out the truth very well, either.

"Damn right she is", Mazikeen's voice chimed in, and just as Izzy glanced over her shoulder, an arm snuck around her and pulled her in tight. "And she's my favorite human", Maze added with a grin, leaning in to quickly peck Izzy's lips, and the redhead happily reciprocated.

"What's Hell like?" Dan asked warily, clearly convinced that that was where he was going, and it pained Izzy.

"Oh, Hell is awesome. Yeah, the pain, the torture, the screams of doomed souls, begging for the sweet release of a death that will never come...", Maze laughed dreamily, overcome with nostalgia as she reminisced about her days in the Underworld – until she noticed the horrified look on Dan's face. "Oh, you mean for you. Yeah, Hell's gonna suck, bro."

Shaking her head, Izzy reached for Dan's hand. "You're not going to Hell, Dan, I promise. You're a good person", she insisted, refusing to believe anything else. "I'll see you up there and you're never getting rid of me", she added with a teasing smile, and chuckling weakly, Dan turned back to his drink.

"Well, it doesn't really have anything to do with being a good person. It's all about guilt. If you feel guilt over something, it'll take you to Hell where you have to live through it in a loop", Mazikeen explained, earning a loud groan from Dan who buried his face between his arms on the bar counter. Izzy frowned – admittedly, that didn't sound too good, but surely, with Lucifer in charge, something could be worked out.

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