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                     WHAT MAZIKEEN AND IZZY NEEDED was someplace secluded

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                     WHAT MAZIKEEN AND IZZY NEEDED was someplace secluded. Thankfully, Maze didn't have to do any of the thinking – Izzy's goal was to let her thoughts rest, and so, she took charge of the situation with ease. It seemed to be the theme of the day, and in some strange way, it was giving her the sense of control she had been craving. She felt like she was spinning out, spiraling even, but she was going to do what she could.

                     And so, Isadora drove them to a cliff overlooking the city. She parked on the grass and then helped Maze out of the vehicle before folding her arm with her own and guiding her to the edge where they sat down, their legs hanging in the air. Maze's head collapsed onto Izzy's shoulder and with a deep breath, the redhead wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer. This, too, felt like control – so close to danger, right on the literal edge, but able to keep themselves where they were safe; in each other's embrace.

                     "How are you feeling?" Izzy whispered, unsure if Mazikeen wanted to talk about it, and when she felt the demon tense against her side, she supposed it was a sore subject, despite how much Maze had insisted on hating her mom.

                     "Angry", the brunette breathed out and licked her lips before continuing, "I'm so fucking angry. I didn't get to yell at her, I didn't... I didn't get to do anything." Her breathing grew ragged and tears escaped her eyes once again. "I don't-I don't understand this feeling. I should be glad she's gone", she spoke shakily, her voice so tiny and fragile as she looked up at Izzy.

                     "What's wrong with me?"

                     With her own eyes welling up with bitter tears, Isadora shook her head. "There's nothing wrong with you, love. It feels nasty to not get any closure. It's... it's like you don't know where to put all that anger now. It's just growing inside of you, poisoning you", she tried to put Maze's feelings into words, wondering if she was doing them any justice, but the enlightened look that widened Mazikeen's eyes suggested that maybe, she was onto something.

                     "Yeah. Yeah, that's... that's exactly what it feels like. It's stuck inside me now", Maze tried to phrase it herself, and with a small, proud smile, Izzy nodded to encourage her.

                     Sucking in a breath, the Holt leaned down to kiss her forehead. "We're here, though", she began, gesturing at the city in front of them, "you could scream." As soon as the words left her mouth, Maze chuckled, but the more Isadora thought about it, the better of an idea she found it. "No, I'm serious. I'll do it with you. I... I could use it, too", she decided, pulling away from Mazikeen enough to have some space to move. She still made sure to hold her hand, though, not wanting her to think she was going anywhere.

                     With an incredulous grin growing on her face, Maze nodded. She squeezed Izzy's hand, and after hauling her lungs full of air, she screamed into the air, releasing her pain with a long, lingering screech. Joining her, Izzy pushed all her anger and hurt into that one, massive scream, balling her hand into a fist and closing her eyes as she did. Together, they shrieked into the night, feeling some sort of cathartic freedom when they stopped to catch their breaths.

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