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DAN AND IZZY ARRIVED TO WORK TOGETHER THE NEXT DAY, giggling over their shared jokes, and sipping on their morning coffees, and the sight earned a look from Kai who was already seated by his desk, hands deep in his hair in what seemed a whole lot like frustration. It seemed the evidence in front of him hadn't started to make any more sense, and the lead on their victim's husband hadn't led much of anywhere, either – so Izzy couldn't blame him for the tired look in his eyes, casting doubt on just how much sleep he had gotten last night.

"You two make me feel like the third wheel", Kai grumbled from behind his computer, and pursing her lips together to stop an amused smile from spreading, Izzy left Dan at his own desk and headed over to the other detective.

"Guess the case still isn't any closer to being solved?" she figured, and with a shake of his head, Kai nodded towards Chloe who was talking to the elevator with Lucifer by her side.

"Nope. We had another suspect but he had a fireproof alibi. Chlo is just chasing after another lead with Lucifer and I promised to hold down the fort here while Ella runs some tests", he elaborated with a huff, and nodding sympathetically, Izzy gave his shoulder a comforting pat.

"Well, Dan and I are here to help. We'll start by going through the statements of the aquarium staff and we'll let you know if anything catches our eye", she promised with an encouraging smile, one that Kai returned as she walked back to Dan's desk.

Just as she was about to pull up a chair and get situated, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, catching Izzy's attention – even more so when she recognized the woman getting off as Chloe's mom. Her mouth fell open in surprise and she stood still, but Penelope Decker was quick to react at the sight of her, her arms thrown high in excitement as she shuffled over to Izzy.

"Isadora Holt! My daughter said you'd be here. I just had to come and see for myself", the older woman gushed, pulling Izzy into a tight hug, which seemed to amuse Dan. Laughing in disbelief, Izzy wrung her own arms around Penelope and squeezed her, delighted to see the woman after decades – it had been so long that she hardly recognized the woman anymore, but thanks to the movies she had starred in, her face had stuck around enough for Izzy to retain her memories of her.

"It's so nice to see you, Penelope. How have you been?" she asked softly, her lips curved up high as she pulled away from the woman but stayed close enough to see the sparkle in her eyes. She was just as beautiful and youthful as ever, her smile still bright despite the great loss she had suffered. Izzy admired that, considering she wasn't sure she would ever bounce back if she lost Mazikeen.

"Well, I had quite the interesting dinner with my Chloe and Lucifer last night. I believe he was trying to set me up with his father, Godfrey", Penelope informed Izzy, whose eyes widened at the idea. Was dating a human even allowed for God? Then again, He probably made all the rules Himself. "I'm not sure we're meant to be. But it was a lovely time", Penelope continued, however, calming Izzy down before she could go through all the possible scenarios of Penelope becoming the new Goddess.

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