Chapter 3

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"Cassidy's attorney contacted me, wanting to set up a meeting with Cassidy's daughter. What do you want to do?" Greg asked me.

"Set it up. It's time. I heard about what happened at the farm ranch. They must be even more desperate now. They need me. Allyson needs my money" I said.

I smiled. My plan is finally in motion. I cannot wait to see the look on Allyson's face once she realizes who now owns half of L'Amore and everything that her family owns.

"When and where do you want the meeting to take place?"

"Here at the hotel restaurant. I can't wait to see the look on her face once she realizes that the trash she threw away ten years ago is now one of the richest bachelors of LA."

Greg nodded.

"Set it up for the day after tomorrow. At noon."

"Alright. Adam are you really sure about this?"

"I've been waiting for this for ten years, Greg. Just when I thought this day will never come, it finally does. I can't just forget about what she did to me ten years ago, now that I have the chance to get my revenge on her and her family. There's no question about it. I'm going to do this."

He nodded in understanding. "Okay. I'll go call the lawyer back and let him know," he said as he left my office.

My heart thundered upon the idea of seeing Ally again for the first time in ten years.

Would she still look the same as she did ten years ago, when she was just eighteen years old? Would her face still light up when she smiles?

Oh hell.

I shook my head.

Why do you care about her smile?

Suddenly my intercom buzzes, interrupting my thoughts.

"What is it?" I said impatiently.

"Elizabeth is on line one sir," Kelsey, my secretary said.

I groaned.

Elizabeth is the woman I'm currently seeing. And by seeing I mean, sleeping with. We get together here and then whenever we feel like it. Though I haven't been with her in over three months, she does occasionally call me; and lately, she's been hinting at wanting more with our relationship and I'm just not interested. So maybe it's time to officially end things with Elizabeth. She's getting too attached and she's beginning to act like she's my girlfriend.

"Put her on, and get a bracelet from tiffany's and send it to her home address. You know the drill Kels," I said.

"Yes sir," she said.

I groaned. "Stop with the sir, Kels," I said.

"Oh so your back to your old sweet self now, Murray?" She asked sarcastically.

I chuckled. "Sorry, I snapped at you, Kels. Just have a lot on my mind right now."

"It's alright. Well you better talk to the diva, before she throws a hissy fit," she said hanging up the intercom.

I laughed as I shook my head. Kels is not just my secretary, she's a friend. A true friend, who's engaged to my best friend.

"Hello," I said into the phone.

"Hi, darling. How are you? I hope I'm not disturbing you," she purred.

I bit back my groan.

Why did I get involved with this girl again?

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