Chapter 19

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The details about what happened today was all over the news. I had my people take care of everything and made sure that they keep everything under control. I also ordered them to issue a statement regarding the incident.

Upon hearing the news, my mom rushed over to check on Ally and make sure that she was okay. Carly also called from work and Ally assured her that she was fine and that she shouldn't worry about her.

I invited my mom to stay over for dinner, but she said she had to get back to her shop. She just wanted to make sure that Ally was okay.

"Will you tell me who hurt you?" I asked softly as we were sitting down having dinner.

Ally blinked, taken aback by the question. "I told you already. You're..."

"Don't. Don't lie to me."

"I don't want to talk about this, Adam."

"Please. Tell me."

"If I tell you who, will you promise not to ask me any more question? That your question ends with who?"

I clenched my jaw. "Fine."

She sighed. "Why does it matter anyways? It won't change anything," she said.

"I want to know why you cowered before me and thought I was going to hit you. I want to know why you were so shocked that you couldn't fight back when Elizabeth attacked you. I want to understand."

She abandoned her utensils and placed her hands on her lap and looked down.

"Was it your father?"

"No," she denied vehemently.

"Cortalez?" I asked and she flinched and I knew. But I needed to hear it from her. So I asked again, "Was it him?"

"Yes. Now can you please drop this."

"That's why you flinch every time you hear his name," I said.

"Adam please. I beg you," she pleaded.

"Was it worth it?" I asked before I could stop my self.

She looked up at me, confused with my question. "What do you mean? What are you trying to say?"

"You married him for money. Was it worth it? He was abusing you and yet you stayed with him until he died."

Ally went as white as sheet.

Stop it, Murray. Stop attacking her! But I didn't listen and I was relentless. I continued my assault on her.

"Was your greed for money worth all the abuse you endured? And your father? Did he know? Or did you run to him and he turned you away because he was as greedy as you are?"

She shook her head fiercely as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She pushed her chair back and started to run away, and I shot straight up and went after her. I caught her in my arms before she could run further than a few steps from me.

"Let me go," she cried out.


"Let me go, Adam. Please. Don't do this. I'm begging you. Please," she whispered brokenly.

I cupped her face and kissed her. She whimpered as she tried to get away from me, but I held her in place. I kissed her and a few moments later, I felt her surrender and she melted into my arms. She kissed me with as much intensity and fervour.

I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I carried her to my room.

She ripped my shirt off of me, sending buttons flying everywhere. She was eager and needy, as she pulled me closer to her. I laid her down in the bed and removed my ruined shirt and I undid my belt and removed my pants.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now