Chapter 28

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The morning was bright, though I was feeling anything but.

I turned off the engine and picked up the bouquet of tulips I bought. I stepped out of the car and walked over slowly towards the path that leads to the grave.

My heart was beating faster and faster with every step I take. As I was nearing the grave, my pace grew slower, my feet grew heavier.

A soft sob escaped me.

I had spend the last two days mustering up the courage to come here.

It hurt too much to come here, so for a while I stopped.

When I reached my destination, I looked up and closed my eyes tightly as tears escaped my eyes.

I blew out a shaky breath and inhaled deeply.

I bent down and brushed away the leaves that have fallen on the gravestone.

Baby Boy Adam James Murray
Beloved Unborn Child

I ran my fingers on the inscription and broke into tears.

I bent forward hugged the gravestone on the ground and cried, as I ran my fingers over and over my baby's name.

"I'm so sorry," I cried out. "I'm sorry mommy didn't protect you. I'm sorry. Oh god baby, please forgive me. I'm so sorry," I cried uncontrollably.

Ten years ago...

"What's the meaning of this?" Vidal asked menacingly as he held out a piece of paper and the ultrasound from the doctor's office confirming my pregnancy.

"Vidal... I... I can explain," but before I could finish and explain he slapped me so hard, I almost passed out.

A sob escaped me.

I pushed my self to the corner of the room.

"You're pregnant with that bastard's child? Do you think you can keep this from me?" He asked angrily.

I shook my head. "Please, let me explain.

He grabbed me by the arms and hauled me up. I moved my hand to block my face. "Hija de puta!" He yelled at me before hit me again.

Oh god. Please help me. Help me and my baby, I prayed.

"I will not let you carry that bastard's child!" He yelled and slapped me again.

"Vidal, please. Please," I begged.

"You will get rid of that baby!"

My eyes widen in horror and I shook my head fiercely.

"No. I won't. I won't do it," I cried out.

He became even more infuriated.

"Vidal please. I beg you," I said but he just slapped me, harder this time.

I fought so hard to stay awake. I can't afford to lose consciousness.

Oh god...


I got on my knees in front of him, ready to beg, but he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me out of the room.

"We are going to get rid of that baby. I will not raise another man's child. And how stupid do you think people are. They're going to take one look at that baby and see that it's not mine. You think I would risk that kind of scandal?" He asked as he continued to drag me down the stairs.

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