Chapter 22

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As I was laying down in bed, I can't stop thinking about Ally and the look on her face.

She finally opened up to me, only to bring her back to those painful memories that she's tried so hard to forget.

Ally is full of secrets, and I am going to find out every single one of them, no matter how long it takes.

I threw the covers off and climbed out of bed to check on Ally.

I haven't seen her since she retreated back in her room when we got home from the gala, and I want to make sure that she's okay.

I walk over to her room and I contemplated whether I should knock or not.

I decided on the latter.

I twisted the door knob slowly and quietly and slowly push the door open.

I look over at the bed, and she wasn't there.

I look over and saw her sitting by the window, sitting in fetal position, as she rocked herself back in forth.

The sight almost brought me to my knees.

She was sobbing quietly.

I wanted to march inside and pull her into my arms, but I knew that it's not what she needs. I knew she needed this time to herself.

She's been trying so hard to keep me at a distance, and I can't blame her.


I was raging with fury.

I clenched my fist so tight, I'm surprised my bones didn't break from how tight I was fisting my hands to my side.

I shut the door close as quietly as I could.

I have to get the fuck out of here.

I quickly grabbed my car keys, not bothering to change and put on my jeans instead of my pyjama pants.

I grab my coat and headed to the elevator, down to the parking garage.

I got into my car and drove off.

I drove around, trying to clear my head. But it proved impossible because all I can fucking see in my head is Ally's agony and the look on her face.

Her words kept repeating over and over in my head like a refrain.

"Trust me, you don't want me to feel the hurt and angry when it comes to him. If I do or even let myself feel the full strength of my pain and anger, it will kill what's left of me."

I was gripping the steering wheel so tight, my knuckles turned white.

She was hurt terribly, and I'm no better than that fucking animal who abused her.

I'm causing her pain too, by treating her like she doesn't matter. By making her my mistress. The things I said to her.


I swallow thickly and grind my teeth against the ache in my chest.

I fucking hate myself.

I'm not even mad at her anymore for what she did to me. Yes, she hurt me, but she's already paid such a high price.

What more do I want from her?

I look around and was surprised to find myself nearing chestnut hill.

I scoffed.

I didn't even realize that this was where my heart and mind was leading me. unconsciously drive myself here.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now