Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning with a huge smile on my face.

I felt sore in a few places, but it was a good kind of soreness.

I opened my eyes as I reached over Adam's side, only to find the side of the bed next to me, cold and empty.

Where is he?

I found a robe and I put it on and headed to the main room.

I found him sitting at the breakfast table sipping on some coffee.

He heard me approaching and looked up.

I smiled at him, but the smile died on my face as I looked at his expression.

He holds no emotion.

He looked so cold.

What happened?

He's not in bed with you, I told myself. That was the deal, remember?

He folded the newspaper and laid it on the table.

"The incident is all over the news. I have added security to the place. You are not to leave without Albert. He will be with you at all times. Do you understand me?"


"Do you understand?" He asked again, rather impatiently.

I nodded. "Adam, did I do something?" I asked. "Why do you seem angry with me?

"I'm angry because you're playing with me again. You're lying to me again!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said you loved me last night!"

I gasped and my eyes widen in utter shock.

"What?" He sneered. "You think that by telling me you love me, I'd suddenly change my mind about us?"

I shook my head.

I said I loved him?

I have no idea what he's talking about...

I don't recall saying I loved him. I must have said it in my sleep.

"You will never make a fool out of me again, Allyson. Don't ever utter such lies to me ever again," he said in a menacing tone. "You are nothing but a body to warm my bed. You're my mistress. A woman I pay to have sex with," he said cruelly, repeating the words he uttered the night I agreed to be his mistress. "You are wrong to think that what happened changes everything between us. It changes nothing. I can't believe I lost my head for a second and allowed you the chance to use the incident with Elizabeth to your advantage. Well it ends here. Know your place," he said and left.

I can't believe I said I loved him last night? I don't remember saying it.

The fury in Adam's face sent shiver throughout my body.

Tears welled up in my eyes as he attacked me with his cold and callous words.

During the next few days things between us was even more strained. The tension was even more palpable.

Adam was distant and cold during the day, and a sweet tender lover at night.

He made love to me in my bed, and left once we were done.

It broke my heart every single time he walks away from me. But I know why he was doing it.

He was punishing me and putting me in my place.

He was true to his word. He was treating me like the mistress he paid me to be. I swallowed and accepted it. Not once did I complain or utter even a single word of despair.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now