Chapter 23

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I gasped in surprise as he pulled me to him and kissed me.

A few minutes later he was carrying me to his room.

I don't know why, but somehow, tonight it's different. He was always tender and passionate every time he made love to me, but today, it was just different.

I can't explain it.

It was as if it's our first time again. Like none of the unpleasant things happened and we're starting anew.

When we were inside his room, he settled me down on my feet.

All I could hear was our fast and heart pounding breathing.

Tears welled in my eyes and as much as I tried to hold back, a tear escaped my eye.

Adam reached up and wiped away my tear with his thumb.

"Don't cry sweetheart. You know it breaks my heart to see you cry," he whispered so tenderly.

My heart ached even more at his familiar words.

The same words he whispered to me the night before his accident when he gave me his whole being, and promised to love me forever.

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and tell him how much I loved him, but I knew I couldn't. So I held back and simply revelled in this moment.

He ran the back of his hand against my cheek, caressing it so lovingly and I found my self leaning into his touch.

"Tonight it's you and me querida. Just you and me. Nothing and no one between us."

I wanted to ask what brought this on or what he meant exactly, but before I could respond, his fingers moved to the hem of my tank top and he pulled it over my head, baring my breasts.

He took a sharp intake of breath as he feasted at the sight of my bare breasts.

I did the same to him. I lifted his shirt above his head and tossed it along my discarded shirt too.

He held my eyes, as I was doing it.

Without breaking eye contact, he leaned forward and down to my aching breast and sucked a nipple into his mouth making me gasp.

He licked and sucked.


I wrap my hands around his head as I arch my back and pulled his head closer, wanting more of what he was doing to my body.

He gave my other breast the same attention, and I could feel my wetness and arousal running down my thighs.

When he was done he took a step back and I whimpered in protest at the loss of his mouth on me.

He reached for my shorts and pulled it down along with my panties.

I helped him out and stepped out of my shorts.

Without taking my eyes off of him, I proceeded to do the exact same thing to him.

I want him naked...

I want to see him...

I haven't had the pleasure of exploring his body as he has mine.

He hissed when the garter of his pants connected with his sex as I removed it from him.

He stepped out of them and kicked it the side uncaringly.

His hard erection bobbed up and down once it was released from its confinement.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now