Chapter 27

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Adam went completely still when I took my shirt of.

I wrapped one hand around his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss.

When we broke apart we simply looked at each other. Our hard breathing the only sound we hear.

I looked into his eyes and saw the same need and want, I fell cursing through my body.


When Ally opened the door, nothing could have prepared me for what she did next.

She stood in front of me and removed her shirt.

Now here we are standing in front of each other. For the first time she had come to me.

She wants me.

I don't have words to how that makes me feel.

She moved her hand to the hem of my shirt and tugged upwards.

I raised my arms up so she can easily remove my shirt.

She looked so sexy and vulnerable at the same time. It's as if she's afraid I'm going to reject her. There's no chance of that happening.

I moved my hands on her hips and pulled her closer to me, so she can feel the evidence of my arousal.

Her eyes went darker. And just like that, I lifted her up against me and kissed her.

I touched, stroked, moulded our bodies together perfectly. I did everything to get closer to her. To feel all of her. She responded by wrapping her arms around me and pulling me even closer as she groaned in my mouth.

We tore at each other's clothes impatiently and once we were both naked we came together. We made love to each other with our mouths and hands, exploring each other. Touching each other.

Every touch and kiss was filled with warmth, love, and passion.

We fell on the bed and made love over and over again.

Every time we came apart, we would reach for each other all over again and come together and make love one more time.

She was as insatiable as I was.

Finally when we could no longer move. I rolled onto my back bringing her next to me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"You're going to be the death of me," I murmured. "That was incredible sweetheart."

To my shock, tears glistened in her eyes.

I frowned. "What's wrong? What did I say?"

She shook her head and bit her bottom lip as it trembled.

God damn it.

Everything hit me like cold water.

Her words rang in my head.

"If I do or even let myself feel the full strength of my pain and anger, it will kill what's left of me"

What else did Cortalez do to her that broke her spirit?

I see the pain and devastation in her eyes so clearly.

I wiped away the tear that escaped her.

Before I could ask her to tell me the truth about Cortalez, she opened her mouth and said, "It was perfect and I'm glad it was for you too, because I wanted our last time together to be perfect."

I stiffened at her words. "Why do you insist on pushing me away? and before you utter a lie, you can't say that this is just sex, because we both know it isn't!" I snapped.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now