Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning feeling a little better.

I got ready and grabbed my suitcase and headed out to the living room.

"Morning," I called out to Carly who's in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Morning," she grinned at me. "Today is special and bittersweet because this is the last day I get to cook breakfast for you, so I cooked something special for you. This is a new recipe that I came up with for Le Goût. I haven't officially added it to the menu, so you will be the first to taste it. So you have to let me know what you think. Oh and be honest," she said.

I chuckled. "I'm sure it will be great. You haven't cooked anything I haven't enjoyed."

She gave me a dashing smile.

I laughed.

I'm really going to miss her.

We spent the rest of the morning enjoying the food she cooked, which was spectacular. It was one of her bests.

When it was time for me to leave, we hugged each other tightly.

"I'm really going to miss you, Ally," she said sadly.

"Me too. But hey. This is not goodbye. Come and visit me as often as you like and we'll still go out for girls night. I haven't done that in forever."

"Definitely. It's time for you to start living again Ally. Go out and meet new people and make friends. So once you're settled i'm going to call you and we're going to out with our friends, who I'm sure is dying to see you again. Jean and Lacey always asks about you and I'm sure they'd love to see you again."

I nodded. "I miss those girls. We definitely should go out once I'm settled. I think I might be ready to be out there again. It's been a long time."

"It's long overdue Ally," she said.

"Well, I better go. I want to do something special for Adam when he gets home from work tonight."

"Alright. Drive safe."

"Thanks," I said and waved goodbye.

I climbed inside my car and started my engine.

"This is it, Ally. You ready?" I blew out a breath; nodded to myself; waved one last time to Carly; and pulled out of the parking lot.


"Hey mom, how are you doing?" I asked when she answered her phone.

"Good," she said. "You?"

"I'm great mom. Listen. I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place instead. I've got some company tonight and..."

"Oohh Darling, I'd love to. I'll cook and bring it over to your place and we can all share a meal," she gushed.

I chuckled. "You don't have to cook mom, I'll have the cook prepare something."

"Non sense. I'm cooking," she said sternly.

"If you insist," I said. "I'll have Albert pick you up at 6."

"Okay. Sounds wonderful. I can't wait to meet her," she said and hung up before I could even say something.

I chuckled.

My mom has always held a special place for Ally in her heart and I want to use that against Ally. I want her to feel guilty. I want to see how she responds to seeing my mother. I want to see if her face and expression will hold any type of guilt for what she has done. After all, my mom was like a mother to her.

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