Chapter 8

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Silence filled the room. I fell on the chair as I try to silence my sobs.

Humiliation washed over me.

This is what he wants. He wants to humiliate me the way I humiliated him.

I took a deep breath and exhaled heavily.

I wiped my tears away, just when a knock on the door came.

Daniel peeked in.

He frowned. "Is everything okay?" He asked as he walked inside and towards me.

"I'm fine. Let's just go," I said and got on my feet.

"Wait. Did he agree? What happened?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. I appreciate all you have done for me, but I think I can handle everything else on my own now," I said.


"Daniel, please. I need to do this... Fix this on my own. Besides, I can't exactly afford to pay you..."

"I'm not asking you to pay me," he said cutting me off. "You know how I feel about you. You're like my own daughter..."

"I appreciate that Daniel. I really do. But I have been on my own for ten years. Please. Respect my decision," I said.

He opened his mouth then closed it. "Alright. But know that, anytime you need me, you can always come to me," he said.

I nodded. "Thank you."


"Hey, how did it go?" Carly asked as I walk inside her apartment.

She saw the look on my face and concern marred her face. "What's wrong?" She asked as she walked towards me.

I broke off into sobs and she wrapped her arms around me as I broke down.

"I saw him. I... I saw A..a..Adam," I stammered out.

"Oh god, sweetie. I'm so sorry," she said as she hugged me to her... Comforting me.

"He hates me. Oh god. He hates me so much," I choked out.

After a few moments, I was able to calm down and tell her what happened.

"He's the one behind the take over of Cassidy Enterprises. He's the one who bought half of L'Amore," I explained.

"Oh god. I can't believe this. I know how hard it must have been for you Ally."

"You should have seen him. His face. His eyes were full of hate and disgust. It was as if it was too painful for him to even look at me," I choked out.

"Ally, I'm so sorry."

"I don't know what to do. He wants something in return and if my guess is right, he wants me in exchange for L'Amore," I said.

"But isn't that a good thing? That means he still cares for you..."

I shook my head fiercely. "No. He wants revenge. He wants to humiliate me. He wants me in his bed. He threw money at me, the same way I did all those years ago when he came after me. All the things he's doing now is all about one thing. Revenge. He wants to hurt me the way I hurt him. He wants to threat me as the whore he once accused me of. That's what he wants in return. I just know it."

"Oh god," Carly gasped in shock. "Please tell me you didn't agree!"

"I didn't. I didn't, but Carly, L'Amore. I can't just give it up."

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now