Chapter 26

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After telling my mom everything that had happened, she looked at me, shock written all over her face.

"Mom, please say something."

"She agreed to it?" she asked.

I nodded. "I treated her badly. I wasted revenge, but then I realized I still love her. Then I apologized to her and admitted I still love her, but she still left me," I explained. "She still doesn't want to be with me."

"Oh honey," my mom said and she had this torn look on her face.

"You know something," I started to say. "I noticed it that night when you came over for dinner. You know her secret," I accused.


"It doesn't matter. She already told me. She told me she lied because she just didn't want to be with me anymore, and she didn't know how to end things with me. But, I can't believe you didn't tell me mom. You knew she wanted to end things with me, but you didn't tell me," I said.

"That's what she said to you?" My mom asked confusion marring her face.

Ok. Now, I'm the one who's confused.

"That's not the secret is it?" I asked.

"Adam, whatever Ally's reasons are for leaving this time, she's the only one who can answer that."

"This time. You said this time. So there was a reason she left last time? I can't fucking take this anymore. All these lies and secrets. It's driving me insane. I deserve the truth. I deserve to know the truth!" I yelled in frustration.

"Adam, darling..." My mom said as she tried to reach for me, but I jumped up and moved away from her touch.

"Tell me the truth mom. How can you keep something from me, mom?" I asked, hurt by my own mother's betrayal.

"Because Ally's reasons saved my son's life!" She confessed.

I frowned and staggered back. "What do you mean! What are you trying to say?"

"I don't know the whole story. Ally wouldn't tell me everything. All I know is that she told me she had something to take care of one night, and she left with Carly. When she came back, I could tell that something was different about her. She told me that I no longer have to worry about the hospital expenses, the money we need for your surgery, the medications, and the therapy you will need, because her father will take care of it. Then I knew. I knew that she must have paid a huge price for what she did. I asked her repeatedly, until she finally told me that her father would only help if she breaks things off with you," my mother said.

Rage and fury was radiating off of me upon hearing all of this.

"You have to understand Adam, we did everything we could. But it just wasn't enough. Ally tried to sell L'Amore, but her father owned half of it, and he would not allow the sale. I sold our land, but it still wasn't enough."

She tried to sell L'Amore? For me? I felt my heart clench tightly. A surge of powerful emotions ran throughout my body.

"She said those things to you because she knew that it was the only way you would let her go. And if my guess is right, she did it because, she wouldn't have had the strength to leave you if you had asked her to stay."

My mother's words hit me.

Then Ally's words replayed in my head.

"Because I didn't know how to end things with you."

"I knew you'd come after me and you would have tried everything to convince me to stay, and I didn't think I would have been able to leave you, if you asked me to stay."

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now