Chapter 9

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I woke up to the incessant ringing of my phone.


"Señorita, it's Bernardo. I'm sorry to have woken you so early," he said.

"It's okay. Is everything okay?"

"Señorita, I received a letter saying that our tax payments are behind for four months. They are giving us a month to pay back the taxes we owe."

"What? How can that..."

My father.

Damn it!

I asked Bernardo how much we owed and I was shocked to hear the obscene amount.

How am I going to come up with that much money? Things seem to be getting worse and worse everyday.

"Señorita, have you spoken to the mystery man who now owns half of the farm? Maybe he can help."

I know he can help. I may not have a choice but to contact him again and ask what he really wants. The price I have to pay can't be worse than what I have already paid in the past.

"Yes, I talked to him and... He's willing to help us out," I lied. Well it's not really a lie. He said that... Well what did he say exactly? You didn't even stick around to hear what he has to offer, I told myself. "I'll take care of everything Bernardo. Tell everyone not to worry."

"Sí. Gracias señorita. I will tell them, and please thank the mystery man for us. He may not know, but this means the world to us señorita," he said.

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. "Yes. I'll let him know," I said and ended the call.

I blew out a big breath.

"Damn it! I just can't catch a break!"

"You have to call him. You have no choice but to call him," I said to myself.

I threw the covers off of me and climbed out of bed.

When I went into the living room, Carly was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Good morning," she greeted me.

"Morning," I said as brightly as I could, hoping that she doesn't see past my front. I really don't want to tell her that I had decided to talk to Adam again and really find out what it is he wants. I'm afraid that Carly will try to talk me out of it - which I can't allow since I have no other options but to talk to Adam and agree to whatever his demands are.

Adam was right, I don't have a choice. He owns half of L'Amore and even if by some miracle I come across all the money that I need - which is not going to happen, he still won't sell his share to me. Then I'm at an end.

"Let me help you," I said trying to push the problems behind me for now.

"Alright, do you mind setting the table. The eggs and bacon are ready, I just need to finish up on these pancakes. Oh and do you want some toast bread?" She asked.

Carly loved to cook and if she had her way, she'll spend twenty four hours of everyday in the kitchen. "Nope. Pancakes sounds delicious. I've missed your pancakes."

She grinned. "I bet. I've miss this Ally. I've missed you."

I smiled at her. "Me too. I'm here now, and I think I might be around much longer."

"Yay! You can stay as long as you want, Ally."

"Thanks. But you have to let me share the expense...."

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now