Chapter 13

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"I guess this seals the deal," he said and reality sunk in.

I pushed him away, but he was unfazed and immovable. He was too strong. I was trapped against his hard body.

He was smiling at me triumphantly as I looked into his hard, cold face.

I looked away. It hurts too much to look at the face of the man I loved so much and see nothing but a sense of satisfaction and triumphant at bending me to his will and causing me pain.

"You'll regret this," I told him. "You're going to despise me all over again."

He laughed at me. "Querida, you are forgetting something. You are not here because I care for you or because I still love you. You are here because I bought you."

It hurt to hear him say that, but I hardened my resolve.

"I think I will enjoy you much better this time around querida," he said.

I wanted to weep, but I didn't. I held my ground.

I swallowed hard. How can I sleep with a man who despises me and throws insults at me as we are in bed?

I can't.

I looked back at him. "There is one thing I need to ask of you," I said.


"When... When... I..."

"Spit it out," he said impatiently.

"I was wondering if it's possible, can... I mean... I just..." Damn it. How do I say it? Crap. Just say it!

Well here it goes, "If it's not too much to ask, can we leave all this nastiness outside of bed. I'll let you say whatever it is you want to me anytime you want except when we are in bed. I just..."

"Fine," he agreed.

Fine? That's it?

"You are right. How can I enjoy you when I am thinking about who you really are and how little you mean to me and to the world, you used to own," he said and pushed away from me.

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from bursting into tears.

"Get dressed," he said and walked over to my discarded clothes and tossed it on the bed next to me. "We are done for tonight. But make no mistake, querida. Tomorrow... I will own your body. Again. Your body will be mine. Only mine for as long as I desire your body. Don't even think about throwing yourself at other men." With that last jab, he left the room leaving me.

I covered my mouth with both of hands to stifle my sobs.

I move to sit in a fetal position.

I rocked my self back and forth trying to find comfort and escape from all the pain that was threatening to explode inside of me.

Ten years ago...

"We need to perform an emergency surgery on your son. There was some complications and there's a blood clot near his brain and we need to remove it. I need you to sign this consent and waiver form to show that you are aware of the danger of this type of surgery. I promise to do everything in my power to save your son, but it is my job to be honest and to tell you the reality of the situation."

Linda nodded. She looked at me, and I nodded.

We had no choice.

She signed the consent and waiver form.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now