Chapter 11

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"I want your help. I need your help with L'Amore," she said.

"Very well. I will help you," I said and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"On one condition," I added.

She swallowed hard.

"I want you in my bed. Wherever. Whenever I want."

She gasped. "You can't be serious. I will not be your mistress. There must be another way."

"You know why you are here, Ally. You are in no position to bargain with me."

"I will not share your bed with another woman," she hissed.

"You will do what I tell you to do. You are to be my mistress. You have no say in what I do with my time when I am not sleeping with you. It is my prerogative to sleep with whoever I want."

"And Kelsey is okay with that?" She tossed at me.


"In your dreams," she grounded out.

I shrugged. "How can I resist a beautiful woman querida?"

"Don't call me that!" She growled.

"If you are to be my mistress you're going to have to learn to control your temper," I said to her authoritatively.

"I don't understand why you would want to sleep with me, since you obviously hate me," she pointed out.

I smiled grimly. "I ask myself the same question. I don't understand why I would what someone like you either. I despise you and thinking about how you sell yourself for money disgusts me, but I'm a man and you have a beautiful face and body. You can still turn me on, and that is the only reason why I am offering you a way out of your predicament. So use your head and sit down and listen to what I have to offer you."

I could tell that Ally was fighting back her tears. I ignored the pain in her eyes and continued.

"I will help pay all of your father's remaining debts and L'Amore's as well. I will even transfer my ownership to you completely and your father's company as well..."

"I want nothing to do with his company. I only want L'Amore," she said defiantly.

"You expect me to believe that you don't want the Cassidy Enterprises back?" I laughed at her mockingly.

"I. Don't. Want. It. I want nothing to do with his company. Keep it. Sell it. Destroy it," she shrugged. "Do whatever you please with it. I. Don't. Care."

"I don't know what you're playing at, but very well. I keep your father's company and I hand back full ownership of L'Amore to you and pay off your remaining debts, and in exchange you will be my mistress. Indefinitely."

"Indefinitely? But..."

"Yes. I will end our sexual relationship when I am done with you. While you are with me, you will do as I say. You will also move in here with me..."


I silenced her with one look.

She shut her mouth.

"As I was saying. You will move in here. I want you to be here to service me at all hours of the day. I want you ready and waiting for me. The choice is up to you. You can walk away or stay and accept what I am offering you. You should be thankful and flattered. You come at such a high price. I am paying you more than you are worth. But like I said, the decision is still yours."

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now