Chapter 4

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The moment I stepped outside the car, the smell of the ocean breeze greeted me. The sights and sounds of San Louis hit me bringing me back to ten years ago.

I used to love this place. I used to dream of growing old here and raising a family. My happiest memories were here in this place. But sad to say, my most painful memories were also here.

I never thought I'd step foot back in this place.

I walk over to the dock where Ally and I used to hang out. We would meet up over at the dock everyday once I was finished with my job at the bar.

It's been ten years since I'd last been here. Ten long years since I last looked out into the ocean.

Ten long years. And if I had my way, it would have been another ten long years before I would even think about coming back here again. In fact, I probably would never come back here and I would just forget about this part of my life.

Hearing about Cassidy and his troubles with his company awakened something inside me. It brought back past hurt and painful memories, and I knew. I knew I had to prove to Ally that I'm not the poor bastard she once called me.

Pain and anger washed through me all over again.

Fuck. I don't need this right now.

I turned around and walked back to the car.

I climbed back inside the car and and slammed the car door behind me.

I loosened my tie around my neck.

"Let's go," I said.

"Sir," Albert acknowledged.

It was a big fucking mistake coming here tonight. I shouldn't have come here. I don't even know why I did.


Ever since I found out about Cassidy Enterprises, I did everything I could to acquire it. I had one name in mind, as I was doing it.

Allyson Catrina Cassidy Cortalez.

I gritted my teeth and wished that my body would stop responding to that name.

I sighed.

I rubbed my face with my hands.


You'll have her soon.

You'll have her at your mercy soon enough.


When I arrived home, I jumped in the shower.

I stood under the shower and rested both my hands on the wall as I let the warm water run through my whole body.

I lifted my hand to my face and wiped the water off of my face.

The warm water did nothing to ease the discomfort and tiredness in my body.

I shut the water off and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to pour me some scotch.

I lifted the scotch to my mouth and drank it with one gulp.

Damn it!

What I need is a woman. I should have just taken up that blonde on her offer. I haven't been with anyone in over three months. I have been busy losing myself in work and planning my acquisition of Cassidy Enterprises that I hadn't even bothered or had the time to hook up with a woman. And now, I'm thinking that a woman is what would solve my problem and all this tension running through me.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now