Chapter 21

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I took in everyone that gathered around us.

I actually recognize a few of them from the parties my Grandparents and father used to throw.

I was so nervous.

"Don't be nervous," Adam whispered to me. "I won't leave your side. Smile and enjoy the night," he said encouragingly.

I smiled and nodded. I can do this. I've been around this type of crowds before.

I took a deep breath and straightened my shoulders.

"Much better," Adam said.

Adam led me between the crowd. He made introductions to a few people. Some I recognized and recognized me as well. The people who knew me asked a lot of questions, mostly about my past and thankfully Adam always interrupted them before the conversation could lead to talks about Cortalez.

Saying and thinking about his name still sends shiver down my spine.

I took a deep breath and pushed away thoughts of that monster.

Adam was attentive, and he was true to his words. He never left my side. He included me in all his conversations, never making me feel like an outsider.

Tonight, I was his date. Not his mistress. Though I know it was for show than for me.

I watched silently as Adam smiled and charmed everyone we encountered. He exudes confidence. These people not only respected him, they also admire him. There was no denying it. Adam is good at what he does and he deserves the admiration and respect of these people.

I can't help but swell with pride at his accomplishments. I'm just so proud of him.

When it was time for dinner, we sat at the table with our name plates, and discussed food and ordered our individual courses. The waitress also took our wine order.

Throughout the night, as we sat at the table, Adam had his arms around me. Either his hand or his eyes or his mouth were in contact with me. He was definitely acting as a caring and loving boyfriend, and it made my heart twist in painful knots, because I knew that it was just an act on his part.

He held my hand at times and toyed with my fingers. He rubbed my knuckles tenderly at times, then he would lift them up to his lips, and place a tender kiss at the back of my hand. I would sit there trying to blink back my tears, wishing it was all real.

Then a few moments later, the first course arrived. I looked down at my salad and I wondered how I was ever going to be able to swallow the food in front of me. My stomach was tied up in knots. Adam was back to his sweet and attentive self, but knowing that it was only for show, was hard to ignore.

"Are you alright?" He whispered in my ear.

I forced out a smile and nodded.

He caressed my back and smiled at me.

He kissed my temple and turned back to his salad starter.

Tears glittered in my eyes again.

Pathetic. You're just so damn pathetic!

Pull it together Allyson.

I forced my self to eat my salad and ignore the uneasy feeling inside me.

The conversations around me continued and I find myself part of the conversation. It was a mystery to me how I was able to answer and hold a conversation, when all I could think about was this charade Adam and I was pulling off.

His Heart's Mistress (Book 1 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now