Chapter 22: A Game

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"Hey! Linda, how are you feeling? Are you ok?" A voice pulls me out of a hazy darkness.

"Kade? Yea.. I feel kind of funny in my head, but I think so. Wh-what happened?.." Something feels weird.. Not normal.

"You knocked on the door, but by the time I opened it I found you laying on the floor out cold. So I carried you in and let you rest on the bed. I was about to call the doctor, but now you're awake." Kade explains.

The heck? This is off. So off.


I like people. They are fascinating. I watch them and listen to them in order to learn more about them. Back when I was just a little girl I used to sit in the marketplace and just watch the myriad of merchants and customers move around and interact, and I would play a little game for myself. The game consisted of watching people interact, and try to predict what people would say, and what emotions they would show next.

This game was the reason I became a guild clerk. I realized that the guild is the one spot where the absolutely most fascinating people hang out, people who have seen the world, and people who risk their lives for coin. Adventurers change, especially the headstrong ones, and the ones who cheat death, because once that happens, they start acting completely out of character.

I joined the guild as a clerk at the age of fourteen, but I was shy, but that all changed just a few days before my fifteenth birthday.


I am walking home from my job at the guild in the evening. Today was my payday, so my bag slung around my shoulder clinks with every step and jump I make. I hum quietly to myself as an outlet for my happiness, but go silent everytime I walk by someone.

Suddenly, right after turning into the street where I've lived alone since my parents passed, someone grabs me by the arm and throws me into an alleyway.

I am too shocked to make any noise except gasp for air as my back hits the brick wall, and then as my side hits the muddy cobble.

"W-who are you?!" I call out in a weak voice, but right after I cough. My breath hasn't returned yet.

"Keep your mouth shut, and don't struggle if you know what is good for you. I will break both your arms and legs, before cracking your jaw open if you even try to call for help." A man cast in shadow looms above me.

Huh.. I guess being cute isn't always a good thing.. This.. Is supposed to be scary.. Isn't it?

The way the man breathes as he starts to lift my skirt reminds me of the pigs my father used to butcher while he was still alive. He had a special knife he would use, long and sturdy with a thick blade and a deep groove down the middle. For a moment the pigs would struggle, they didn't like being restrained, but when my father drove the blade into their throats, they would squeal until not even a second later, their cries would be cut off as the artery in their neck got severed. I always wanted to try, but my father never let me.

I get the urge right now, but all I have is the envelope opener which I have a habit of storing up my sleeve. This little blade would not have been big enough to slaughter one of my father's big pigs, but for human swine, it's enough.

I grab my pathetic little blade and slash the side of the man's neck.

The shock in his face is.. Amazing. Somehow it fit precisely with the way I had imagined it.

One point for me.

From that day on I realized that my game doesn't have to be about me just observing people. I can join in, and influence the outcome. I can talk to people, smile, wave, and from there, I know exactly how they will react.

People are fascinating.


So why is Kade not making any sense right now? His body language is not matching up with what he is saying, and I know Kade. I've been watching him for a long time now, and this is not how he acts. In fact, a lot of times when he speaks his words and body doesn't match up. When he told me about his story for the past months, he was lying. When he told me he was fine after his father died, he lied. He said he was fine, but his body told me he wasn't. Although somehow it is clear his mind believes it.

Not to say that Kade is always false. No, most of the time he tells the truth and gives off a very innocent air, but he does lie sometimes.

Heather though.. Heather is hard to get a read on. I have not been able to observe her long enough, but she hides her intent like a professional and acts as if she knows I'm watching. No. I take that back. She acts as someone who has been away from normal society for such a long time that her body language no longer matches how normal people act.. Yes. That must be it. I just need to rethink my way of assessing her.

But ok Kade.. I'll play along with your lies.. For now.

"Ohh?.. Ok.. That's odd.. I didn't realize I was so overworked.." I say to myself but aimed at Kade.

Out of habit my hand goes to my wrist and fondles my knife below the sleeve, which Kade seems to notice and takes half a step away. He also seems to bring his hand closer, but not touching his hilt.

Oh? What was with that reaction? Does he realize there's a knife in here? And why is he on his guard?

"Hey Kade?.." I put on a nervous smile and move my hand up to my upper forearm instead, and sure enough, he seems to relax. So he does know about the knife in my sleeve? How? Did he search my body while I was out? Does that mean he attacked me and he was the one who made me unconscious, only I've forgotten? Too many questions Linda. Don't overcomplicate things. Put up a smile, and use my perfect, normal, loveable voice.

"I originally came here to talk to you about something.. But I suppose it's really not that urgent. After this incident I'm actually a bit shaken.. Do you mind walking me home to make sure I make it there alright?.."

"Yes of course, I wouldn't mind in the slightest. I'm at your service."

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