Chapter 38: Cold-Turkey

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It happens just like Heather said it would. I wake up just past midnight, my head is a bit clearer, but I am freezing in my blankets and my head is pounding, and not to mention my injured hand is stinging just like it did when I initially got poisoned.

The pharmacist lady told me to apply some more salve in the case that my hand gives me more problems, but according to Heather, that is a bad idea. Although if she just said that to make me endure more torture, I won't be surprised.

I try to ignore everything and fall asleep regardless, but that of course doesn't work. Instead I get up and stare out the window. Frost crystals are beginning to form on the outside of the glass, but for the time being I can see out just fine. The streets are completely empty, and not a single clue is given, aside from the streetlights, that in the morning this street will be filled with people in a hurry to get to work.

I chuckle at my own patheticness. Of all days to be in this state, today is undoubtedly the worst. Even if I don't fall asleep again, I can probably make it to my test all right, but whether or not I can stay strong all day, is another question entirely.

A headache I can deal with, and even the pain in my hand, but the sweating and cold will prove to be an issue if it continues.


Thankfully, although the pain in my hand remains, which is to be expected since that is the part that got injured, my headache and cold-sweat suddenly stopped just before daybreak.

But of course the bags under my eyes give away my exhaustion. I am considering filling my water-skin full with strong coffee to keep myself awake and focused all day. It will cool and become cold, but the caffeine will remain, which is what counts.

Crossing my fingers that Heather will wake me up, I try to get an extra hour of sleep.


And it seems like my luck has not run entirely dry, because in the morning I wake up to my shoulders being shaken and Heather's annoyed glare.

"Did I not tell you yesterday to keep track of your own time? It really isn't my job to wake you up, and I could just leave you to your fate one morning."

"I didn't exactly have the most restful of nights." I groan as I get up.

She smiles amused. "Have you learned your lesson yet?"

"To not trust people even if they mean well?" I ask sarcastically.

"That's right!" Heather laughs, doubtless about yesterday's bumbling.

"I'll keep that in mind.." I say grimly. "Anyway.. Thank you for waking me up.."

"I just couldn't resist seeing what state you were gonna be in once you woke up." She grins.

"Still.. Now I can make it to my test in time."

Her grin drops for a moment before her face returns to neutral. "Well, would you like to head downstairs for some breakfast?"

"Yea, let's."


Walking down the stairs we can smell fresh bread mixed with the scent of eggs, making our mouths water.

"Good-morning Mrs. Laurier." I greet the lady serving breakfast. On days that Vanessa isn't in, her mother is usually serving in her place. Otherwise she usually helps Mr. Laurier in the kitchen.

"Good-morning Kade, good-morning Heather. I trust you slept well?" She smiles at us but continues to go about her job.

"We did thanks." Heather steps in before I can answer.

"Great to hear, please have a seat and I'll be back in just a moment." She heads into the kitchen with a pile of wooden dishes.

"Hey guys! Why don't you come over here?" We turn to see Linda at one of the tables, with her is another adventurer, whom I recognise, but don't know by name.

Heather and I oblige and each take a seat.

"Grim, this is Heather and Kade. Kade and Heather, this is Grim."

Grim, a large and dangerous looking adventurer. He has a scar running across his face, just barely avoiding his left eye, and by the look of his arms and chest, he can probably crush a bear. Although it is plain that he never skips leg day as well. On his back is a large and double sided axe.

"Nice to meet you!" He reaches his hand to me for a handshake from which I grimace in pain. For Heather however he gently reaches for her hand and gives it a kiss. "It's unfortunate we weren't assigned to the same group, a beauty like yourself is rare indeed." He bows his head slightly.

"It's unfortunate your looks don't quite match your manners, or you could have the pick of the crop." Heather smirks.

Grim lets out a hearty laugh. "I sure wouldn't be disappointed to be assigned to the same group for the next expedition, whenever that might be."

"You know." Linda says, looking at Heather with malicious glint. "I bet I could arrange that."

I can't help but let a small smile slip through.

"Grim is a reliable person to know, call for help and more likely than not, he'll be there for you in a hurry. Be it violence or shopping."

"True." He chuckles.

"Anyhow. We came here this morning to meet you Kade, I figured we could save time by getting breakfast and waiting for you at the same time. Grim will be your examiner and I've been assigned to be the guild's witness. So whenever you are ready we can go."

"But I do have time for some breakfast?"

"Of course! In fact the food we ordered is right here!" Linda gives a quick gesture toward Mrs. Laurier who is bringing a couple trays of food.

"Here you go! Now what can I get for you two?"

"A couple egg sandwiches and a bowl of oatmeal if you would." Heather orders.

"The same sounds good for me, but would you mind filling this with coffee?" I hold up my empty water-skin, getting confused looks all around.

"Uhm, yes of course. I'll be right back with your orders." She grabs my bottle from me and proceeds to the next table. 

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