Chapter 25: A Bedtime Chat

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Apon our discussion ending, both Heather and I go silent.

"Hey, by the way, could you apply lesser heal to my legs and arms? I ended up pushing myself a bit harder than I first intended." I am reminded by the ache in my muscles how fast I both ran to and from my quest area today.

"You sore?" She questions.

"Yea, with my emotions in the state that they are, I didn't really mind the extra pain from running a little faster than normal, and I am concerned that unless I recover quickly it might end up slowing me down in the long term."

"Very well. Lay down on the bed like the other times."

I obey, lying down flat on my back with my arms resting at my sides as Heather pulls the chair over next to me.

"Maybe I should have done this to you sooner." She says grimly. "Imagine how much more growth we would have seen in you. I just hope you can forgive me once this wears off.."

"Huh? What do you mean? I ask, puzzled by her last remark.

"I'm not sure myself."

"Ohh! By the way!" I exclaim, my attention shifting and nearly startling her. "I was able to successfully cast a water creation spell today, first try."

"Oh?" Her eyes widen slightly before a small wrinkle forms between her eyebrows. "That's unexpectedly fast. You did it in less than half the time it took me.. How did it happen? That's a pretty drastic improvement."

"I just got the idea to try casting and it worked."

"Hmm.. Then maybe it's time for another lesson soon." I can't tell if she's more happy or confused. "As your master I am proud. But I am still a bit bewildered. Could we have found a shortcut to training?.." The last part she says as her voice begins to trail off.

"Anyhow. Back to the task at hand." She reaches her hands forward and places her hands over my chest, her left hand on top of her right. "Mother recovery and fertility, who nurtures and cares for all living beings, lend us your healing and bring us back to the very beginning. Lesser Heal Flow." A greenish yellow glow starts emitting from my chest below Heather's hands, and as she moves them around, the glow follows. After about ten minutes of concentration from her, and relief from my part, my treatment is finished.

"A lot has happened in such a small time." Heather says. "If things keep up like this we might just have to get up and leave."

"That's if we could." I inject.

"I miss my old house."

"Maybe someday we can rebuild?"

"We?" She questions, one eyebrow lifted for barely a second before returning back to its normal position.

That's right.. I hadn't even thought of that. I might not be bound by our master-apprentice deal for much longer. In my head I've settled with this being my life for the entire foreseeable future. Unexpectedly I just jumped way ahead of my training and learning schedule. At this rate I'll be out in the world before I know it.

"I.. I don't know.." I look down at my feet to think through what to say next. "Will I be around for that long?"

She goes silent for a second, also looking down. Well, I still have a lot to teach you. After all-" She looks up and winks. "The deal was to turn you into a proper mage. And like in every trade, the apprentice is never fully fledged until their skill can finally surpass their master."

"So that is the condition for me being freed?"

"Freed? So you see this time with me as you being imprisoned?!" She starts backwards with her hands covering her chest feigning taking offense. "But yes. That is the condition you must fulfill."

"No. In fact I've really enjoyed my time spent as your apprentice, or rather your servant." I glance over at her to see how she will react, but her face reveals nothing. "I've never viewed these months as me being stuck. Well.. Maybe a couple times.. Or a few.. But for the greatest majority of the time not."

She giggles. "I'm glad. But, if you mean to defeat me going seriously in a fight, you still have a long way to go. So you might yet begin to feel like my prisoner." She puts on an evil looking grin, but after a few moments the evil part disappears, leaving Heather with a cheerful smile.

A loud crash can suddenly be heard from the other side of the door and down the stairs, before a loud female voice yells out something inaudible and a few more crashes are heard. Thereafter the noise slowly dies down. Seems like Vanessa drew a little too much business and someone had to be thrown out.

This happens every so often down in the tavern.

"I'm going to go to sleep now. I expended a lot of mana today, and I'm feeling it pretty good." Heather stretches her arms out before starting to get comfortable in my bed which I'm currently in. "You can use mine. The sun wakes me up in the mornings and I want to sleep in."

I sigh, she's done this already multiple times, but by this point it's becoming a habit.

"Then I'll also hit the sack." I say getting up. "Goodnight Master."

"Goodnight Kade Adler."

I walk across the room, blowing out all the illuminating candles on the way. About to close the door I turn back to see Heather, wrapped up and nicely tucked. Had I not known better I would have guessed that she's already passed out.

After staring for a few seconds I turn my back toward the doorway and with my head turned I shut it behind me. A few moments later I myself am in bed, and after another few minutes I fall asleep, welcoming the world of dreams with open arms.

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