Chapter 35: New Toys

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"I should delete your emotions again. For good this time. The logical you is way more tolerable." Heather continues to glare at me and a bit of fear starts to build up in my eyes.

"Please don't.." I take a step back, still dripping from the water.

"Then tell me once again, like when we met for the first time, that you will obey my every word and whim. Did you not swear it last time? On your life and everything you hold dear?"

"I.. I did.." I realize that Heather has gotten just slightly lax with me, and that I took advantage, overstepping my boundaries.

"I own your life, and hold it hostage, until the day you defeat me in a duel, and there is nothing more I could have done. You don't have rights, because I own you." She crosses her arms, reminding me of the first day we met in those woods, the same serious look on her face.

"I understand.." I look down.

"Now swear the oath one more time. With the same words as the last time." With difficulty I look into her normally welcoming eyes, and see an abyss.

"I.. I swear it. On my life and all that I hold dear."

"What do you swear?"

"To obey your every word and whim." I look away once again and stare at the wet floor by my feet.

"Good. Now remember it this time." She smirks, releasing the look of death in her eyes. "Your very life will depend on it."


Laying in my bed I replay the sudden confrontation.

For quite a while after me and Heather first met in the woods, our interactions were mostly master and servant, but after a while we began to speak more loosely. This looseness and non-businesslike attitude had only been strengthened once we left the woods and our setting changed, and it seems like now I've crossed a line, almost completely forgetting about our previous deal.

Although I doubt that we can completely distance ourselves from the rest of the world, it seems obvious that Heather at least means to try. After all, the idea of coming to Northerton in the first place was to wait out the winter that is right around the corner.

I continue down such thoughts, all the way until the darkness takes over and I fall asleep.


"Wake up sunshine. The sun is up and the day has begun." A sudden wind blows off my covers and both me and my eyes shoot up. My heart beats so hard that I'm convinced that it is echoing until I realize what is happening.

"Why?" I let myself fall back down and cover my eyes with my arm to block the sun which is shining in from the window.

"You wouldn't wake up. Would you rather if I dumped water on you next time master?"

"Heh?" I twist my head, trying to figure out if I just heard right.

"It's just as if you actually expect me to wake you up in the morning. Is that not something only the master should expect?"

Oh, sarcasm. That makes more sense.

"Could you at least try not to confuse me the moment I open my eyes?" I ask as I stand up.

"You need to go pick up your weapon now, I bet they are waiting for you already?"

"Wait what!? What time is it?" I get down on my knees and hurriedly tie on my leather boots.

"Probably a little past nine." She leans on the wall and crosses her arms while watching me, not in an annoyed fashion, just observing.

"Oh. That's not that late." I immediately slow down, but don't stop. "Are we getting breakfast first?"

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