Chapter 36: Poisonous Snake

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So I only got today to get used to my new weapon before tomorrow's rank-up test.

Burke urged me to get some practice in as soon as possible, but I'm contemplating whether I should simply use my old sword for the test. After all, switching things up right before things count might not be the best of ideas.

But I will practice with my new one nonetheless, since it can't hurt.

"What should I call this type of sword?.." I had asked Burke while still marveling over it.

"I don't know. Ye can choose, because like I said, It is a mixture between a whole buncha different stuff. Although ye could just take a couple letters from each weapon I took inspiration from!" Then he laughed.

"Deathbiter.. Slasher.. Souleater.. No. None of those are quite right.." I say under my breath as I head down the dirt road towards a known monster spot.

My last weapon I simply referred to as "my sword" which makes sense, since there really wasn't anything special about it. But this! These blades deserve names, although I decide to wait until I get a good feel for them first and something comes to me naturally.


I drop my sword and curse as steam comes from my hand and it gets covered in pale yellow bubbles.

In an attempt to get the hang of my new weapons I went to a known monster spot, a place where monsters are spotted more often than is common in most other places.

This particular monster spot is particularly famous around the area, and common for adventurers to train at. The monsters here are normally at a pretty manageable difficulty, but today of all days, a giant serpentine snake chose to show up.

Reaching lengths up to twenty-five yards, a serpentine snake is a type of serpent monster that is characterized by its green mineral scales. While only being rated as a C-rank monster, its scales make it extremely difficult to cut, so the normal method to dispatch one is to skewer it with a spear. The most troubling part about a serpentine snake however, is the snake's ability to spit an acidic poison from its fangs. This one is thankfully on the low end of the scale however, and is probably around eight yards long.

"You're gonna pay for this." Avoiding the poison attack I dive to the ground, and in the process grab my sword with my left and uninjured hand.

I get up and ignoring the pain in my right hand I grab the handle with both hands, and rush at the snake, slashing at its neck with all my might.

With a shout and the sound of metal hitting stone, I am shocked to see the head fall to the ground. It actually went through!? It has to be at least as thick as my thighs! This sword is sharp!

I wipe the blood off my blade and make a grimace when I clench my right hand.

I should probably head back to town after milking the poison that can be used to make the anti-venom out if it's teeth.

Taking out a glass vial that I keep for such occasions out of my bag, I hold it under the snake's tooth and squeeze the venom sack above the inside of it's throat, slowly filling the vial. Before leaving I also collect a few scales and the valuable fangs.


"There you go. That should be good. Just reapply this salve if your hand gives you any more trouble, and you probably want to keep your hand nicely wrapped up until the burns heal completely."

"Thank you very much ma'am, I really appreciate it." I politely thank the pharmacist lady, who announced herself as Edith.

"You might have a few scars, but all function and feeling will return to normal before you know it."

"You should be more careful in the future. At least you should party up, having someone to back you up is invaluable out there. Your face was all pale and you were wobbling like a drunk when you walked in here." Tomas, her husband and pharmacist colleague, tells me with his arms crossed.

"Yea.. I'm aware. I'll try to be careful in the future, the encounter was a mistake through and through, there wasn't supposed to be any serpents in that area according to reports."

"Hm.. Well, nonetheless. I would consider partying up going forward."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you very much. How much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about that. Just let us keep the excess venom that we didn't use for you medicine and we're even." Edith says with a smile.

"Sounds good to me, thank you again!" I smile back and do a quick bow before heading to the door.

"Just make sure to get home and rest!"

"I got it!"


Cutter? Hacker? No. That's still not right.

I laugh to myself, getting a couple odd glances. There's no rush, I've got time!

My head might still be spinning slightly from the poison, but the feeling isn't all that unpleasant really. 

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