Chapter 34: Diary Entry

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The past week flew by rather quickly, well almost a whole week. It has currently been six days, and tomorrow it will be a whole week since my day of getting tested by Bree and Burke.

No new dream attacks, so no clues on the identity of our mystery mage, and the memory ends up being almost forgotten, save for every night as I lie staring at the ceiling, just waiting for sleep to come to come and get me.

And my emotions are back! Like Heather explained to me a while ago, what it takes to break that particular seal, is either time, or some shock that will break it, and apparently that nightmare was enough of a shock to snap me back to my right state of mind again! While apparently the shock didn't break it entirely, it was mostly broken, greatly reducing the time required for me to recover naturally.

I have been continuing my normal training regiment as well, pushups and situps in accordance to Heather's instructions, as well as kendo swings, the plank, and not to mention the new addition of magic casting.

Everyday along with doing questing, while I'm outside of Northerton, I cast water creation over and over in rapid succession, until I feel like I'll keel over from mana exhaustion. Sometimes Heather comes with me, and then she actually makes me do it until I faint. Some cruel and unusual torture that is.

Everything has been calm and rather pleasant with Linda as well. Since she insisted on becoming my "questing advisor", whatever that entails, we have had many conversations, which I've actually enjoyed, always starting with my recent questing performance and discussing what I've done good, and what could go better in the future, which Linda seems to be convinced is my lack of sense for danger.

I tell her that I'm fine, and there is really no need to worry, but she always insists on telling me to be careful. It's funny really, since I hide most of my strength anyway, and even if I did get a near-mortal injury, I know I can just get Heather to heal me. But of course I can't tell that to Linda.

I've gotten to know Vanessa quite a bit better as well, mostly through Linda, but also since she stops to chat to her customers for a few moments while serving, and since I eat both breakfast and dinner here most days, those moments add up.

Vanessa seems to be a rather straightforward person, she is cute and she knows it, kind yet still pushy, but I know that there are somethings about her that doesn't meet the eye, for one, she is a rank-B!? I would never have guessed if it hadn't come up in conversation! That's the same rank as both Heather and Linda! And Linda is also apparently her best friend! But I am certain that my master would win against both of them together, as long as she went all out. Despite the power of BFFs.

Also! Tomorrow morning I get to see my new weapon! I am a little nervous that I might hate it, but mostly I am super excited. Also I-.

"Are you almost done scribbling on that scrap of paper? You've been doing that for way too long, and the scratching sound from your pen is annoying."

I turn towards Heather who is glaring at me from the bed.

"Is it really that annoying? It sounds less than a mouse in cheese. And besides, these aren't just scribbles." I turn away and dip my new quill-pen into my new inkwell.

"Yea yea, I know, they are words, I'm not illiterate either, although I was actually surprised to hear that you weren't. Farmers don't often know how to read."

"My mother had come from a noble family once upon a time before they ended up becoming impoverished, and she made sure to teach both me and my sister to read."

"I know. You told me that before. But what are you writing and why do you look like a squirrel who is afraid to get his nuts stolen?"

"I do not." I glare back at her, at which her glare turns into a satisfied grin. "Linda told me that I should keep a diary during one of our quest advising meetings. Apparently it is good for my self reflection."

"And so you actually went out and bought all the supplies you needed?" She once again gets that annoyed look in her face.

"Of course not. I wouldn't spend our money like that, but since she gifted me these things, I feel like not using them would be rude."

"Humf. What she is saying is bogus. Nothing good can come from putting your thoughts on paper. It's just an unnecessary risk. Secrets should stay as such, but if anyone would read it, they would know it all."

"And that's why I make sure to burn the paper when I'm done. Don't worry about it." I turn my back towards Heather and lift my quill once more, tapping it on the inkwell to get rid of the excess ink.

"You realize I'm still your master right?"

"Yes of course, but what does that even have to do with- AHHH!" Without warning, suddenly it is like a massive bucket of water was dropped over my head, soaking the stack up my blank stack of paper along with the one I am writing on, as well as making the inkwell tip, and spill its contents all over the desk, mixing and diluting into the water.

"What the heck was that about!?" I stand up and rush to save what ink might be left in the small bottle before it's too late, but to no avail. All that is left is a couple of washed out gray droplets left behind from when the water crashed over it. "Those were gifts!"

"It seems your memory is short, so I'll remind you. We didn't come to this place in order to socialize. We are here to hide and to lay low. You are catching every adventurer in town's attention because of your "questing advising meetings". That's not even a real thing! You don't get assigned an advisor! That knife-girl is just trying to get all cozy with you, and you are just playing along!"

"That's.." I look at Heather a bit stunned. This is not how she normally acts. "Not true.."

"Oh yea? Then what is it? Don't think I haven't noticed her hugging you. Who else have you seen her do that to hmm? No-one! Haven't you noticed all the other adventurer's death-glares when they see you with her?"

"I.." I try to get a word in to defend myself but fail.

"As your master, I order you to quit those meetings. Nothing good will come from them, in fact only the opposite."

"You can't do that! What am I even supposed to say to her!?" I wave my hands all around while speaking, trying to somehow have more impact.

"I can't..?" Her eyes go dark and that's when I realize.. I messed up.. 

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