Chapter 6: Crystal Map

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197.. 198.. 199.. 200!

Despite the number of slashes increasing to 200 a couple days ago, the sword has been feeling lighter these last few weeks, which of course is the intention with this training regiment. Not to say it's easy, my arms still burn like crazy towards the end of the ever-increasing set.

"That's starting to look too easy. You should double it." I spin around to see heather walking past heading towards the woods.

"That was a joke." She adds once she sees my unamused expression.

I exhale inwardly. Thank goodness.

"Where are you headed?" Normally if she goes out to the woods on her own something larger is going down, like a large monster, or if a group of adventurers are in the area.

The way Heather knows to check an area out, she explained to me, is by placing enchanted crystals around the forest in a grid pattern, and once someone or something passes by, a signal is sent to another crystal which each one is paired up to, and located within my Master's cabin.

She had explained to me how the system worked when I had asked about the map on the wall with a grid of white crystals after dinner some weeks back.

"Each of these squares represent a section of the forest." She pointed at the wall. When significant movement is detected, the corresponding crystal on the wall lights up, then I know to go check it out. If the crystals glow strong enough I know that there is either something large in the area, or a large group of something smaller, usually adventurers."

I am guessing that one of the crystals had lit up recently, and that is why Heather is on her way out.

"The crystals have been acting up lately."

So I was right.

"Acting up?" I ask.

"Yes, several crystals have been lighting up in a line following another light. I suspect that a larger hunting party is following some sort of big monster. Unless something is done it looks like they could run into us, so I am going to check it out and see if I can change their course."

"When will you be back?" Not that I'm concerned, since I also recently learned that her fighting strength is equal to that of an A-rank adventurer.

"Hopefully within the next three hours, you can watch the grid to keep an eye on what's going on." Master then swept a dark cloak over herself, the same one we use for being out in the rain, and started running towards her target.


"Stay safe Master.." I whisper under my breath as I can see a faint light draw near the cluster of bright ones on the map.

My Master's deduction looks pretty plausible as an arc of lights seems to pursue a single target, which does look like it is going to be chased here.

If everything continues in the same direction as currently, the hunt will bump into our clearing, so I guess Master will try and drive the monster off-course either by attacking it and forcing the monster to the side, or by using herself as bait, which in turn will draw the entire party behind her. Either plan will cause the party to miss our location. It is not a bad plan if you consider her capabilities, but for anyone less powerful, it would be downright foolhardy.

My heart starts beating quicker as I continue watching and realize how close this will be. Even if the course is changed, the party will miss us with only the slightest margin.

Perhaps we could pretend to be just ordinary forest hermits? However if anyone were to take a look inside, it will be clear that a witch lives here.


My Masters light reaches the presumed monster's section causing the lights to merge.

Now, anytime, the lights will turn to the side. Please, please, please. I cross my fingers.

The light gradually starts to dim.

Huh? That can't be good.

The other bright lights speed up closing in on Heather's position, and I exhale in relief as her dim light escapes the hunting party and starts making its way here.

I freeze. That is not a part of the plan. If the light slowly dims that means Master had to take out multiple targets, so either there was several weaker monsters or- someone somehow suspected a witch resides in these woods and set a trap and the light leading the main party is a group of people used as bait.

Either way our home will soon be compromised. Two months and one week into my residency here.

"And I actually liked it here." I utter disappointedly out loud.

Right. What now? I watch the map-grid and Heather's dim light draws nearer.

I think about the situation. If Master sees the need to run, the foe is most likely something too powerful for us to handle. Especially me, I think bitterly.

I need to get stronger.

The first priority if we are about to be driven away from home is to grab anything our enemies can't get ahold of, Master's enchanted gear is a definite must to pack. Food we can gather from almost anywhere and water is a non-issue with magic.

I run over to the woodshed to where I keep my bag for foraging and the rain-cloak from Master. I quickly stuff the cloak into the bag and sprint back to the house.

After glancing at the grid one more time to confirm our status I rush into Heather's room.

The room is furnished plainly with a bed in the far corner under a window, and covered neatly by a white sheet. Beside the bed stands a tall dresser with five thick drawers, and directly across the room is a massive wardrobe fashioned out of fir wood. The floor, like the rest of the house, is laid with rough oak planks, the kind you will get splinters from if you neglect to wear socks, and even then you might feel your soles get small stabs every so often.

Right next to the wardrobe stands a tall potted fir tree that leaves a distinct pine scent lingering in the room.

I rush forward to the dresser's top drawer, and pull it out, revealing a sizable collection of rings, bracelets, headbands, brooches, and any type of jewelry imaginable.

Knowing that every one of those are priceless items which Heather carefully poured her time and effort into enchanting, I stuff them all indiscriminately into my bag.

My bag now filled, I swing it onto my shoulder and I curse at myself at realizing I had forgotten my sword. Once again make my way towards the woodshed, but only after another quick glance at the grid.

Master is almost here.


As I fasten the plain sword to my hip I see Heather running out of the woods towards me.

"We need to clear out of here! Grab anything we might need and prioritize anything enchanted! We are about to be overrun!" She yells out, her breath heavy.

"Already done!" I reply while running up to my Master "I grabbed everything in your top drawer as well as anything else we might need."

She looked at me first in surprise and then satisfaction.

"Good! Then there is only one more thing I need to grab before we leave." She takes off once again disappearing into the house to seconds later emerge with a wooden box I had never seen before.

"Now then! Let's go!" She begins to jog towards me, her hair flying wild in the wind. After only a few steps however, she turns around, draws her sword and appears to be mumbling something.

Then, for a second, the blade emits a bright red glow, before firing a large sphere of fire towards the house, setting the entire structure ablaze.

And with that, we run.

Farewell home. 

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