Chapter 24: Long-Lost Knowledge

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"It looks like Linda is back to normal, although overly affectionate." I think to myself as I look back and to the door shut behind her.

Heather will be relieved.

Well.. For a little while until I tell her about her that she is going to be called in to deal with the dungeon.


Back at the inn I unlock the door to my room, but this time I make extra sure to lock it behind me, and twisting the knob a couple times just to be absolutely certain.

"I bought some dahlia buns for dinner by the way. Didn't really get the chance to tell you before." I say turning towards the room and Heather.

"I know. I already ate my half while you were out with that.. killer vexess."

"Hmf. I waited for you, you know." I walk over and grab the paper bag. "Besides, I'm pretty sure "vexess" isn't a word."

"So? I got my point across didn't I?" She crosses her arms.

"I suppose.." Regardless of having emotions or not, provoking Heather further is a bad idea. "Hey! There's only one left! You were supposed to only take two!"

"I took the bigger half."

"That's.. That doesn't even make sense." I sigh, tonight I go hungry. Not the best for my muscle growth.

I pull out the remaining bun and sit down on my bed. When in our rooms, we both spend most of our time in my room. Except at night when she doesn't decide to steal my bed, or when I go into her room for some alone time.

"I have some news by the way." I say taking my first bite, the mixture of the sweet creamy paste in the middle, and the bread surrounding it is absolutely heavenly. A completely unique flavor I'd never even imagined existed until coming to Northerton.

"Regarding the dungeon?" She asks without batting an eyelid.

I pause. "Yes actually. How did you know?"

"It's not like I stay holed up here all day. I try to keep a sense for what is going on around here."

Wait.. She doesn't? That is completely what my impression was. Then again, the only time I am here is in the mornings and evenings.

"Then you know about the likely possibility of the guild recruiting you for an obligatory quest?" I ask curiously.

"Yes." She answers calmly and in a tone that makes it seem like she doesn't actually mind.

"And you're fine with this?" If so, that is unexpected.

"Yes actually. Even if I wasn't called in, I would have volunteered."

"Wait what?" I try making sence of what she just said. "Don't you want us to stay out of the spotlight? This is a big deal, being a part of the exploration and extermination team, will definitely catch some glances."

Heather starts explaining and enters into what I used to call "master mode". "True, and that part is regrettable. However, unbeknownst to common folk, at the very center of every dungeon lies its core, which is essentially a massive accumulation of mana, which condenses into a crystal, and when large enough, starts emitting strange powers. I need to take it or destroy it before the king can get his hands on it."

"Strange powers?" I ask, taking notice of the most vague part of Master's explanation.

"Yes. One of which is spawning in a dungeon along with a massive amount of monsters."

"So.. The crystal built the dungeon?" While spawning in monsters makes sense, since they are in essence animals infused with a large amount of mana, a large stone structure seems a little out of the realm of what happens in nature.

"Yes. But not like you think. you see, when left alone, over countless years, mana particles tend to start gravitating towards other particles, forming patches of mana rich "pools" invisible to the human eye, and above the surface it will corrupt and turn non-intelligent creatures into monsters. However, underground, where there are for the most part no creatures to corrupt, the pools themselves will start pulling in other pools, forming rivers and lakes, and once large enough, the mana will condense into a solid form which we can observe." She continues. "According to my master's theories, while mana does not corrupt intelligent creatures, the intelligent beings can in a way influence the mana, causing it to carry with it their wishes and thoughts. If, for example enough people wish for security and protection, when the mana condenses and solidifies, the crystal will inhibit those wishes, and in one way or another, it will selfishly try to fulfill those wishes, for example by erecting a dungeon filled with monsters in order to defend itself."

"So the mana gains intelligence?" As the long explanation starts to slightly go above my head, I try to get some parts clarified. "And what other kinds of things can the crystal do?"

"I don't really know actually. Most of this is me retelling what my master once told me, since after all, I, just like you, am from the time after the great witch hunts, but my master was schooled in the arts of wizardry back when they still had schools dedicated to magic, and magic users held great honor and status in society. This knowledge apparently used to be commonplace, but now only fragments remain." She looks down at the floor, sadness apparent in her eyes while thinking of the great loss. "Theoretically, that crystal can do anything, depending on the wishes inhibiting it. A few examples would be that in theory, it could inhibit the wish to get better from an illness, it could contain the wish for revenge, or even the wish to see the very future. It is a complete mystery until you get to it though, what wishes it contains other than the ones that have actually manifested onto the world. But apparently.. "Her eyes seem to glow. "The first one to get to it is able to acquire its power. How to though I'm not sure. My master never told me that part."

"Hmm.. So.. Your plan is to take the power located within the crystal before anyone else has the chance to reach it?"

"Yes." Her lips curl into a grim smile. "That is precisely what I plan to do."

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