Chapter 51: She Knows.

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The tent is pretty luxurious when it comes to tents. Unlike all the tents I have had experience with, the entire space is not just designed for sleeping space, instead all the four mats are laid out along the edges of the circular tent, leaving an empty area in the middle that is perfect for sitting around and eating or discussing. The walls also start out as completely vertical so that even right next to the sides, we can comfortably sit completely upright.

"Most of the other parties have more than four members, so when it comes to space, we have it good." Vanessa chuckles a little. "Even the prince's party only gets two tents, so they are packed like sardines."

Interesting.. So despite their status they don't get more than two tents? I look around the tent one more time. I suppose six people per tent is pretty manageable, but still, I would have supposed that they would have demanded at least three.

"Now I'm going to bed. Wake me up if the dungeon opens, but not before then kay?" Vanessa then goes over to one of the mats and lying down she pulls a blanket over herself before turning her back towards us.

"Okay.. Got it.." I reply a bit weakly, still trying to gauge her mood. Heather seems to have simply accepted it by now and Linda is still amused.

We do however do like Vanessa requested- or rather ordered, and eat in silence, and right after we finish that, we follow her example, each picking a sleeping spot and going to sleep.


Somehow no alarm gets run throughout the entire night, and we are all able to get some good sleep.

It does appear however that I am the last one up, and the other three are discussing something pretty eagerly.

"Good morning.." I shove my blanket to the side and stretch.

"Good morning Kade, I'm surprised you didn't wake up earlier. You've been sleeping like a log."

"What do you mean!?" I sit up fast and alert. "Did something happen!?"

"No, calm down. There is nothing going on right now." Linda smiles. She seems in an awfully good mood lately.

"There was just a little squabble just outside between two adventuring parties. But it was shut down pretty quick. But the rest of us all woke up." Heather fills in for Linda.

"Yea, I was really tired after yesterday." I yawn and swing my feet off the mattress.

"We were about to head out for breakfast, so it is good that you're up. Otherwise we would have to do some stuff to get you up." Vanessa crosses her arms and I can't help but shiver.

"Some stuff?.." I question but get no answer.

"Just get your cloak and boots on and let's go. We have to get to the breakfast station before they stop serving. We'll be outside." At that, all three of them leave the tent.

Since when were they all so close? Although I do suppose Heather is pretty good at flipping with the flick of a switch.


We reach the breakfast area, which is as simple as a table with a large pot where a man is serving some sort of oatmeal into wooden bowls, and a bunch of benches set out for eating on.

Heather bumps into my shoulder as we make our way towards the man, and she nods at the prince's party, who are seated on the benches in the corner eating. Thereafter she puts up her hood.

I feel like a hood will draw more suspicion than not, so I hesitate to put it on. Linda however seems to notice Heather's subtle nod, and follows her glance, and to my confusion, a glint of understanding seems to shoot through them before she speaks.

"Oh wow, that's a good idea. It's so cold." Linda lifts her hood, but pulls it even further down than Heather.

Wait what? It is cold but it isn't that bad. I can't help but be confused by the seemingly ordinary interaction.

"Hihi, how can you not be wearing yours!?" Before I can react suddenly Linda steps behind me and forces my own hood on without any regard for my hair, and immediately after, she does the same to Vanessa's as well, but she removes hers right away with a barely noticeable hiss.

What is she up to? Did she pick up on what Heather was trying to tell me? And if so, why is she trying to help us blend in? Am I overthinking this?

I shake my head inside my hood as we walk up to the serving stand.

"Here you go." The man, who had seen us coming, had started scooping out our portions before we even got to him, and in just a few seconds we all have our meals.

Looking down into my bowl I see that the meal is nothing exciting, but also completely acceptable. Not good or bad, just okay.

Either by coincidence or purpose, we end up sitting on the entire opposite corner to the prince and his men with our backs turned. Only Vanessa, who I realize might be the only blissfully unaware person in our party, is facing both us and them.

"This really is a boring meal.." Vanessa looks downcast as she stares into her bowl. Personally I used to eat similar food on the daily back at the farm, but for someone who grew up in an inn famous for its food, this has to be pretty disappointing.

"Oh look! It's Cedric and the others!" Completely switching her tune, Vanessa calls out and shoots up from her seat.

I nearly choke on my food at her unexpected comment and action. I know we aren't being so discreet, but this is not how I expected to go down!

Out of instinct I am about to turn, but as Vanessa completely ignores the rest of us to run over, my already thin breath is once again knocked out when Linda swings her arm around my neck.

"I wouldn't turn around if I were you." In the action of swinging her arm around me, her face somehow ends up uncomfortably close to mine, and she whispers into my ear, so quiet that only I hear.

I completely forget about Vanessa and the ongoing situation, and the only thing I see are Linda's eyes, and my own goes wide at her icy glare.

My heart starts racing to the point of nearly bursting.

I don't know what is going on, or why she is doing what she is doing. But I realize, beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Linda knows. She knows everything. 

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