Chapter 61: The Heart of the Dungeon

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Like a miracle, we somehow all just barely make it out alive. Thanks to Linda's quick thinking and resolve, she saves all of us. Although she did end up having to get saved by Heather.

"What was that spell you casted before jumping in?" I ask Heather, trying to calm my nerves.

"Invigorate. It helps to clear my mind and allows me to carry on a little while longer when I'm exhausted. The effects are short-lived though because of my affinity." She answers while breathing heavily.

Both Vanessa and Linda are now beginning to wake. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be any monsters around, because at the moment we are sitting ducks.

"How are you? Are you feeling alright? Anything feel weird?" I rush to Linda seeing her trying to sit up on her own. After her heroism, I think I've developed a new respect for her.

"I'm fine." She then suddenly spins around in panic looking for something, but then her glance stops on Vanessa, and her anxious look switches to relief when she sees her move. "Thank goodness."

"How are you feeling?" I repeat.

"I'm fine. My lungs hurt a little, but it isn't enough to stop me." Linda puts on a brave face, but I can tell by her white knuckles that she is quite shaken up.

"Aside from losing most of our luggage, and gear as well, returning back up will be difficult. There is no way we can return the way we came." Heather says, pointing out the obvious.

Ohh.. No.. I've been so distracted I didn't even realize. When we were plunged into the water I lost both my backpack and the sword I had in my hand.

After a quick check I realize that my knife is still on me, but Heather's sword is also missing. Vanessa's bow is floating in the water, and I watch Heather reach out to grab it. Although Linda lost a couple of her knives, she still has spares so that isn't an issue.

If we run into anything dangerous, we'll be in big trouble.

Eventually Vanessa also fully wakes up, and after a little bit of confusion on her part, we explain the situation.

"Your magic can get us out of this though right?.. Linda?.." Vanessa turns to her best friend, hoping for some assurance.

"Of course." Linda's face looks grim, but she does her best to offer some comfort. "If we just survived this, then I doubt the dungeon has anything left to throw at us that we can't handle."

Famous last words I suppose.. Please don't jinx us. After hearing that I can't help but think the dungeon has barely even started yet.

"We need to get going. In case there is anything around, we really should be on the move." Heather reminds us, fishing out a couple of Vanessa's arrows that are washing up onto the rocky "shore".

We discuss shortly what we should do next and come to the only logical one: to continue onwards and hope for the best.

Having our torches completely drenched, we move by Heather holding and maintaining a small flame just a few inches above her open palm. Using mana in that way is admittedly far from efficient, but since Linda can't keep casting her flare spell continuously without running out, and I can't control my flow so well, this is our only option.

"Do you know magic?" I suddenly ask Vanessa whom I'm walking next to in a whisper. "I mean, you've known that Linda is a mage for what seems to be quite a while, haven't you ever gotten curious?"

"I.. No.. I have gotten curious but no.. I don't know how." She responds almost sadly. "I asked Linda about it once and she said it would be better for me if I didn't learn it. She seemed adamant, so I've left it at that."

Aha.. I suppose Linda doesn't want her friend to be exposed to the type of dangers that comes with that territory, but in this particular scenario, having an extra mage would be quite helpful.

While walking, I have my long knife out, but I'm also making sure to have my fireball incantation in my head in order to quickly cast in case a monster jumps out at us. Fortunately, because of my mage type, once my incantation is complete, the spell that I cast will activate instantly, unlike Linda and Heather who can cut down on the words, but have a delay with the mana conversion.

Somehow though, this entire area seems to be clear, and the closer to the glowing red cavern center, the more sure I am of that.

When we get near enough, the red crystals give off enough light for Heather to drop her flame spell, and we begin to see what the structure really looks like.

In the complete center of the cavern, a glowing ring of red stalagmite-like crystals. In four directions in-between the crystals are archways, and through one of them we are able to see what lies in the center.

In the middle of the circle is what appears to be a pedestal, and on top of that there is a small sphere that is floating up and down, and gradually shifting colors between a deep purple and crimson red.

"What-" I begin, stopping in my tracks. It is obvious that this is an important discovery, but I don't connect the dots quite yet.

"It's the core." Heather immediately states. "Take that, and the dungeon dies. We'll be able to safely reach the surface."

"You know that we're supposed to stay put now and wait for the prince's party? We are instructed to not touch it under any circumstance." Linda smirks, knowing that Heather isn't planning to obey orders.

"That would be a waste though wouldn't it?" Heather has a look of triumph on her face.

"We don't know for sure what it does though." Linda warns. "If you grab it, something bad could happen."

"But the kingdom wants it. So it can't possibly be good to let them have it." Heather frowns while saying the word "kingdom"

"Can't argue with that logic. I'll be the one to grab it." Linda decides on her own.

"Not a chance. There is no way that I'm trusting the successor of Dolos to potentially get ahold of that power. For all I know, you'll turn on us and escape alone. Or alternatively, hide away forever without making any use of it."

"And you think it'll be better letting Ian's pupil have it!? That goody-two-shoes could never get anything done, and the same is true for you. I know of the Witch-In-The-Wood, and I've connected the dots. I've at least never gotten myself exposed.

So.. I was right. That orb is the core of the dungeon. It's heart. There is no doubt that we can't let the prince get a hold of it, but this new conflict is worrisome. If our party falls apart now, that will mean trouble.

"Hey!!" jump at the sudden yell from right beside me. Vanessa frowns. "Fighting between ourselves is a bad idea on so many levels. Especially down here. Let's put on a vote and then save the rest of the argument for the surface."

We all go silent and look at each other. First off, she's right, but the idea of a vote is.. kind of pointless. We all know that Heather and Linda will both vote for themselves, and me and Vanessa respectively will vote for the person we've been with the longest. It'll be a tie however you look at it. 

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