Chapter 44: The Crown-Prince's Party

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So now, finally, everything is set up. All I have to do now is to go on like normal, and make sure I don't die once I'm there. My position on the expedition is secured.

I sigh, relieved. I'm not entirely sure why I feel so strongly about going, but there is no way I can miss this. I just have a feeling something big is going to go down.

Like Master explained to me a while ago, it is only natural for mages to be drawn in by the flow of mana, but I know there is something else at work as well. I just can't put my finger on it.

Linda was acting a bit strange today wasn't she? I think about our interactions of late, and twice during the same day, she pretty much straight up asked me if I knew anything about magic, and when I denied it, she looked at me as if she already had a good idea.

Should I report this to Heather? If Linda's memory is back, then she is incredibly dangerous. I will have to keep my guard up, but in a way that doesn't seem too suspicious. Yes, I probably should.


After a few minutes I once again arrive outside the inn. The sun has already set and dusk is growing.

Before entering I look to the side and notice someone watching me.

A person, standing just out of the streetlight's reach, is leaning against the wall. A dark hood is casting a shadow over their face and the person is holding a drawn sword that dimly reflects the light.

Out of reflex I reach for my own, only to realize that my sword is on my back, wrapped on cloth rather than around my waist. Crap. I really need to get a sheath.

Instead I quickly draw my knife, which I have already fashioned a temporary sheath for.

"Whoa hey! That's not necessary!" The man suddenly steps into the light and pulls down his hood revealing his light brown hair, although he keeps his blade out. His face looks friendly, and his presence is surprisingly charismatic.

"Put down your weapon and I will too." I take a step back and raise my long knife higher in a defensive stance.

"Huh? Oh yes of course! I was just oiling it." He says, hurries to put away his sword as if he didn't even notice he had it out. He shows me the piece of cloth in his left hand as he sheaths his sword. As he puts it away, I make note of the ornate hand-guard.

"Okay.." I look at him suspiciously. "And why were you hiding in the dark?" I also put away my blade like I said I would.

"Well.. I suppose I'm just more comfortable when people don't see me?" He smiles unsure.

"Yea.. Okay.. I'm gonna go inside now.." I am going to get away from this weirdo as quick as I can. I can't even think of a way for how one could even be more suspicious than this figure.

"Yea.. Go ahead.. See you later I guess?.." His awkward smile continues as he scratches the back of his neck.

I slowly open the door, but keep my eye on him until I shut the door behind me.

Turning around toward the room however, I freeze momentarily when I see three more men dressed identically to the one outside, save that these guys have already removed their hoods.

They sit around a table, laughing and conversing loudly, along with a fourth man who is obviously in charge. He has short, golden blond hair, and a handsome face. His mantle is the same dark gray color as the others, but his is lined with silver thread.

Upon hearing the bell announcing my entrance, the blond man briefly gets distracted and turns to look at me, but seeing nothing interesting, he turns back to his friends.

Although curious about the strangers, I decide to ask Vanessa, who is presently serving them with a wide smile, about them later. For now I head upstairs. Maybe Heather knows something?

After quickly scurrying up the stairs and both unlocking, and locking the door behind me, I greet Heather. "Hi! I'm back." I announce my entrance and Heather turns to me with a serious look.

"Is everything alright?.." I turn my head with concern.

"The crown prince's party. They are downstairs. At least part of it."

"Wait what?" I quickly lower my voice and subconsciously glance at the closed door behind me. "The ones in the dark cloaks!?"

"Yes. The ones I killed back in the forest were dressed exactly the same, and the one in charge precisely meets the description of crown prince Dedric."

"But we should be fine? They can't be here for us?" For the sake of safety I decide to unwrap my sword and have it lying accessible just in case.

"No, they're not here for us. I hung out for a while downstairs to listen in, and it seems they are also taking part of the expedition unfortunately. I'm pretty sure that Prince Cedric intends to be the first one down to the bottom, which collides with our own goal."

"Okay.." I let out a deep breath. While it is a problem that they intend to get to the core before us, I am relieved to hear it has nothing to do with us. "That reminds me. Linda was acting a bit suspicious before."

Heather's serious look got even more serious if that's possible. "Suspicious how?"

"Twice today she joked that I might know something about magic, but her eyes said she was serious. But then she warned me to not be careless."

"So you think she regained her memories?"

"I don't know. It would make sense, but also not. Why would she not do anything with that knowledge? She clearly has the advantage if she knows."

"I'll have to visit her then, and then maybe reapply the spell." She lets out a big sigh. "This really isn't a good time for this." For the first time in a long time, Heather looks nervous.

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