Chapter 5: The Hidden Valley

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It wasn't long until Radagast burst from the safety of the trees into the openness before them, several wargs already hot on his trail. "Come and get me! Ha ha!", he shouted over his shoulder clearly enjoying himself, perhaps a little too much considering the circumstances. The wargs howled and chased after him as more of them gathered to take down the wizard. So far, he seemed to have been right however: The Rhosgobel rabbits were too quick and agile for the wargs to catch him. It was the perfect diversion.

The company hid behind a rock while Gandalf peered around the edge of it waiting for the opportune moment to make a run for it. Finally, he spoke up: "Come on!" 

He ran off trying not to be seen by the wargs with the company trailing behind him. They kept running until they had to halt realising that they had gotten too close to the wargs, as Radagast had taken a turn in their direction. "Stay together! Move!", the wizard hissed at them, and they turned around to run in another direction. Louisa was now at the very front, right behind Thorin as he suddenly stopped behind a rock. 

Not having enough time to react, she stumbled past him into the sight of the wargs that were once again passing by uncomfortably close to them. The king noticed this and caught her by the waist, dragging her back towards him before she could be spotted. "Louisa, no! Get back!", he exclaimed before pushing her back against the rock with his arm across her shoulders, looking to see if any wargs were heading in their direction. 

The breath escaped her lungs for a second while she tried to balance herself. "Thank you.", she breathed shakily as he let go of her, realising just how close she had been to being seen and most likely killed. He only gave her a curt nod being entirely focused on getting them out of this mess. 

"All of you, come on, quickly!", Gandalf hissed as soon as the coast was clear. The dwarves went to hurry past them while Louisa took a much needed second to catch her breath. "Where are you leading us?", Thorin questioned the wizard as he made sure that everybody was with them. The wizard looked down upon the dwarf but didn't answer his question before running off himself. Thorin's gaze filled with frustration at this, but he put his sentiments aside as he pushed Louisa to keep running.

They went to hide behind the next tall rock formation just in time as a Warg jumped on top of it, sniffing the air as if sensing their presence. The woman held her breath to make as little sound as possible. She was stood between Thorin and Kili and therefore noticed the silent communication going on between them. 

"No, Kili, don't, they'll hear!", she hissed quietly trying to stop him, but it was too late as he abandoned his hiding place to shoot an arrow at the Warg making it topple to the ground with a loud snarl. The orc growled and went to attack them as the dwarves quickly killed both him and the warg to shut them up. Louisa winced at their loud screeches and closed her eyes in desperation as an unsettling silence followed. The orcs had stopped chasing the wizard having located the screeches of their kin. Thorin noticed her reaction as he realised his mistake. But it was too late as the wargs began howling again, this time quickly approaching the company.

Gandalf was the first to jump into action. "Move! Run!", he shouted at them, realising that all hopes of stealth had been diminished. The dwarves and hobbits didn't need to be told twice and they kept running until they were hopelessly surrounded by the wargs from all sides with nowhere to run to. 

"Kili, shoot them!", Thorin shouted to his nephew, but Louisa quickly realised that there was no way for the young dwarf to hold them off. Not this many of them. Desperately she looked around for something to save them as she drew her bow and arrow, shooting at some of the orcs despite knowing that her arrows wouldn't inflict much damage. She paused however when she spotted a rock formation that she recalled having seen before. She had seen it in a book about Rivendell.

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