Chapter 21: Dol Guldur

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Author's Note: Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading so far. We recently reached 5k reads and are well on our way to 6k already, which is absolutely insane to me. Thank you so, so much for your support, it means the absolute world to me. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I've been waiting for this one for a long time. Again, thank you so much and have a wonderful day! <3

Warning: This chapter entails graphic depictions of violence (including mentions of torture). Read at your discretion. Thank you.

Across the lake, far from the company of Thorin Oakenshield, two wizards clung to a sled as the Rhosgobel Rabbits that pulled it soundlessly rushed through the woods once known as the Greenwood. But it was not what it used to be. The setting sun in the west blazed across the dark storm clouds that were gathering above, setting the sky aflame in a contrast of fire and ash. The trees were barren, lifeless, only a few dry leaves remaining on the top branches. They rustled with a slight breeze, as though whispering to the wizards as they passed them. It was the only sound to be heard.

Slowly the sled came to a stop when it neared the old fortress. The grey wizard carefully approached the bridge to the entrance, his gaze transfixed upon the sight before him. Immediately he sensed that something was off.
"Dol Guldur", he muttered apprehensively.
"The hill of sorcery."

Radagast joined him nervously.
"It looks completely abandoned.", he said, disbelief lacing his tone.
Gandalf however was certain.
"As it is meant to." Radagast looked up at his friend questioningly. The grey wizard returned his glance briefly before returning his focus to the fortress.
"A spell of concealment lies over this place. Which means our enemy is not yet ready to reveal himself." A glimmer of hope lit in his eyes. "He has not regained his full strength.", he muttered to himself.

Quickly the wizard turned to his colleague. "Radagast, I need you to carry a message to the Lady Galadriel. Tell her we must force his hand."
Radagast's expression turned worried.
"What do you mean?", he asked.
Gandalf's tone left no room for discussion.
"I'm going in alone. On no account come after me."
He placed a hand on his colleague's shoulder, searching his eyes to convey how serious he was about the matter.

The shorter wizard clearly did not like the idea, but he knew that it was pointless to argue. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and turned to return to his sled. Gandalf was not convinced.
"Do I have your word?", he demanded. He knew the warm-hearted brown wizard all too well.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes!", Radagast assured defeatedly as he parted from him.
With a satisfied nod the grey wizard returned his attention to the danger before him. He gathered his courage as he began to cross the bridge.

Barely halfway across however, he flinched and froze in his spot when a shout carried throughout the ruins.
"Wait, Gandalf!"
He sighed and briefly closed his eyes in exasperation. He knew Radagast meant well but sometimes his friend could be a little dim-witted. "What if it's a trap?!", the brown wizard exclaimed worried.

Gandalf merely turned his head slightly, not daring to tear his gaze from the ruins.
"Turn around and do not come back.", he ordered calmly, waiting for Radagast to leave him before he went on. When he did, dread laced his tone as he muttered to himself:
"It is undoubtedly a trap."
With that the wizard unsheathed his sword and progressed into the fortress.

As quietly as he could Gandalf moved through the ruins, searching for any sign of life. It seemed forlorn. But the wizard knew that all was not as it seemed.
Having no other option Gandalf soon broke the eerie silence as he began to chant in quenyan. Only a powerful spell would be able to reveal the evil that festered here. Blasts of energy passed through the ruins as his spells sought for anything out of the ordinary.

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