Chapter 18: Esgaroth

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"Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was. So will it always be. In time, all foul things come forth."

Legolas tightened his grip on the orc they had taken hostage as his father spoke. They had successfully driven the orcs from their kingdom and defended the lives of the company until they could follow no further. Tauriel had wanted to keep accompanying them to protect the dwarves for she had grown fond of the young archer in the time they had gotten to know each other the evening before. But they owed their allegiance not to them but to the safety of their kingdom. It had been their duty to return and report to the king.

"You were tracking a company of thirteen dwarves and two hobbits. Why?", the young elf interrogated. An ugly cackle was the orc's first response. "Not thirteen. Not anymore.", he said as he observed Tauriel's reaction, having seen how fiercely protective she had been. "The young one... The black-haired archer. We stuck him with a morgul shaft. The poison's in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon.", he taunted the female elf, revelling in the worry that she could hide from her expression but not from her eyes. Tauriel tried her best not to lose her composure in front of her king. "Answer the question, filth.", she spat, her face twisting a little in anger. The insult was not well received by the orc. Angrily he opposed her. "I do not answer to dogs, She-Elf!", he spat in a dark tongue that was all too familiar to the elves.

Running out of patience, Tauriel drew her blade, holding it threateningly for the orc to understand her warning. Legolas yanked the creature back, pressing his blade against its neck more firmly. "I would not antagonise her.", he advised with a snarl, unwilling to stand by anyone disrespecting someone who was not only one of his most reliable soldiers but also one of his dearest friends. He knew her well enough to know that her patience must be running thin. "You like killing things orc? You like death?", Tauriel asked with disdain. The orc growled at her, not backing down. The red-haired elf finally lost her composure as she lunged toward the orc, ready to cut him down. "Then let me give it to you!"

She froze in the nick of time when Thranduil's authoritative command cut through the air. Tauriel struggled to restrain her anger, but she knew better than to disobey her king. "Tauriel leave. Go now.", he spoke harshly to her in elvish. The She-Elf obliged her king's command and left swiftly, despite the orc's provocative snarl.
Thranduil was displeased with her impulsive behaviour but focused on the task at hand wanting to seize the opportunity to get some answers to his many unanswered questions.

"I do not care about one dead dwarf.", the king dismissed the threat that had bothered Tauriel so much without a second thought. "Answer the question. You have nothing to fear. Tell us what you know, and I will set you free.", the king assured. He knew exactly what game he was playing, and it soon proved to be quite successful. "You had orders to kill them. Why? What is Thorin Oakenshield to you?", Legolas questioned again when he noticed the orc becoming more inclined to cooperate. The creature growled. "The dwarf runt will never be king."

"King?!", Legolas scoffed. "There is no king under the mountain, nor will there ever be. None would dare enter Erebor whilst the dragon lives.", he dismissed the mere notion not quite grasping its relevance. The orc hardly let him finish. "You know nothing. Your world will burn."
Legolas furrowed his brows a little in confusion, not yet understanding what the orc was implying. "What are you talking about? Speak!", he commanded impatiently. The orc cackled. "Our time has come again. My master serves the one."

Thranduil's pacing abruptly stopped, his eyes widening a little in fear. The change in his expression was so subtle that without paying close attention, one would have missed it. "Do you understand now elfling? He was right under your nose, and you did not even realise. Death is upon you. The flames of war are upon you!", the orc threatened.

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