Chapter 6: Tenderness and tension

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It wasn't long before the company had settled nicely and gathered at a dining area that the elves had set up for them. Louisa had been separated from the dwarves shortly after their arrival and was offered to bathe in one of their guest rooms and given new clothes to wear while hers were being washed. While the dwarves were too stubborn to accept this offer that had been laid before them as well, Louisa had been quick to accept the comforts offered to her, not knowing how long it would be until she would have the luxury of a bath in privacy again. 

Her initial reaction upon seeing the gorgeous gown that was laid before her to wear was to deny it and she humbly asked for a simple pair of trousers and a blouse, her only concern being for it to be clean. The ever-graceful elves however wouldn't listen to her protests, insisting on her wearing it. Louisa eventually yielded to their wishes, not wishing to offend their customs seeing as elven women usually wore dresses. 

After having worn practical clothing for so long, it felt incredibly strange for her to be wearing a gown again. It was simple enough to her relief, nothing too extravagant, but it's long sleeves that widened towards the wrists and dark blue, almost greyish colour made it seem incredibly elegant. At least in her eyes. The dress featured a matching cloak to protect her from the chilly night air, seeing as summer had already begun to fade into autumn. 

The young woman exited the chambers she was allowed to use and followed the sounds of chatter and soft elven music, knowing that it must be the dwarves that had gathered for dinner. She pulled at her cloak uncomfortably and unsuccessfully trying to hide the gown as she rounded the corner to the balcony the dining area was set up on. Thorin, who had been sitting at a smaller table with Gandalf and Lord Elrond noticed somebody step into the balcony, seeing as he was still very on edge. 

Upon seeing Louisa, subconsciously, his lips parted slightly in surprise. He stared at her for a moment and followed her with his gaze as she stealthily headed towards the long dining table the company was gathered at despite there being close to no space left for her to sit. She was relieved to see that Thorin sat apart from the company as she had no intention whatsoever to engage with him. They hadn't spoken a word to each other since their argument and she dreaded the tension that was sure to ensue between them. Her having the sense to see the truth in his argument didn't mean that he hadn't offended her pride. Gandalf however seemed to have other ideas for upon having addressed the king and not having received an answer, he followed his gaze and noticed the young woman about to squeeze in between Fili and Kili, struggling to step over the bench without ruining her dress. 

"Ah Louisa, welcome!", he called out to her, making everyone look to her as some of them hadn't even realised that this was indeed their companion from the Shire. She looked up at the wizard startled and blushed furiously as she felt the many gazes resting upon her, misunderstanding and thinking that they were of judgemental kind for her acceptance of the elves' hospitality. Lord Elrond smiled softly at her, finding her shyness endearing and rose to approach her.

"Louisa, my dear, come join us.", he said placing a gentle hand on her upper back as he reached her to lead the petite woman towards the table of three. "I am relieved to see you have accepted our hospitality. An elven gown becomes you well. Surely you are keen to re-join your companions, but I assure you, you will be more comfortable over here. You'll have some space to breathe.", he encouraged her with a chuckle. Louisa appreciated the thought, but she cursed inwardly as he led her towards the dwarf she had been trying to avoid. "Oh, I'll be fine, I don't mean to intrude.", she tried to get herself out of her predicament without offending him but Lord Elrond wouldn't accept her excuse. "Nonsense, we would be happy to have you join us.", he insisted leaving no room for argument. 

The elf's hand left her back to pull out the vacant chair for her and she yielded giving a humble 'thank you' while awkwardly taking a seat between the wizard and the king. The young woman glanced over at Bilbo and he caught her eyes giving her a smile and a thumbs up to ease her nerves. She smiled at the gesture before addressing the tall elf. "Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Elrond. It is much appreciated, especially so after having been on the road for weeks on end. One learns to value the comforts of home even more when having to live without them for a while.", she explained in gratefulness. 

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