Chapter 20: Promises

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Louisa didn't have to wait long for Bard's son to return to her.

"Here, put this on.", the boy instructed as he took the cloak he had brought along out of his bag. Swiftly he draped it over her shoulders and tied it closed at the front. It was a little too large on her, causing it to fall all the way down to the floor, hiding her feet from sight.
"Thank you.", Louisa responded as she lifted the hood over her head to conceal her identity. She greatly appreciated Bard coming up with an alternative way for her to get into his house. The mere thought of how the dwarves and Bilbo were getting in made her nauseous.

The bargeman's son scanned over her appearance quickly.
"Da was right. You're only a little shorter than Tilda. If we're lucky they won't pay you any mind." The woman smiled at him kindly.
"Let's hope so. I'm Louisa by the way, pleased to meet you. What's your name?" The boy hesitated for a moment, somewhat distrusting of the odd company. She couldn't blame him.
"Bain", he eventually responded, his resolve softening a little. If his father deemed it safe to welcome them into their home, he would trust his judgement. But that did not lessen his curiosity.

"Who are your companions?", he questioned. Louisa didn't like lying to the bargeman and his son, but she knew just as well as the others that they had no choice in the matter. She chuckled softly in response, picking up on the boy's scepticism.
"Don't you worry. We'll be out of your hair in no time.", she assured him. Bain flushed a little, embarrassed to have come off as unwelcoming. "Oh no, I didn't mean..." He trailed off when Louisa smiled at him kindly. 
"It's alright. You're smart to be cautious, I don't blame you at all. There's all sorts out there after all. Better be safe than sorry."

Bain relaxed a little upon hearing her words. A lopsided smile rose to his face, relieved that she understood. To avoid rising further suspicion, Louisa answered his question.
"They are merchants, travelling to see their kin in the Iron Hills. My friend Bilbo and I happened upon them by chance but have since befriended them.", she repeated the lie Balin had thought off. She was well aware of Bard not buying it, but it might still satisfy his son's curiosity for the time being. She was right.

"Well, you better be careful out there. You said it yourself. It's not safe."
Louisa nodded in agreement.
"That's why we need your father's help. He got us across the lake and said he could provide us with weapons to defend ourselves.", she explained.
Just then Bard rounded a corner.
"Speak of the devil...", Louisa muttered as they turned to face him.

He approached them swiftly, a pleased look crossing his face when he saw Louisa already wearing his daughter's cloak. "Good, my boy.", he said, briefly clasping Bain's shoulder as he reached them. "Now, you go ahead and lead the way, I'll walk behind Louisa. Let's get her to safety."
Bain nodded in understanding. "Come on.", he muttered to the hobbit as he turned from her.

The trio leisurely walked up to the bargeman's house, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. To their relief, nobody tried to stop them. However, just before he entered, Bard noticed two men in a small rowboat pretending to be fishing. He rolled his eyes at how stupidly obvious the two spies of the master were. He whistled as he tossed them an apple. They glanced up at him in surprise.
"You can tell the Master that I'm done for the day.", Bard taunted, not waiting for their reaction, before finally entering his home and shutting the door behind him.

"Da! Where have you been?"
Bard had hardly set foot into his home when he was tackled in a loving hug by his youngest daughter. Without hesitation he returned the gesture, his heart immediately feeling a little lighter upon having her short arms around him. She released him as her older sister approached. "Father, there you are. I was worried!", the young woman exclaimed with a chuckle, as she too embraced him briefly.

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