《♡Chapter 14♡》

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Date: January6th, 1983
Location: Fredbear's Family Diner
Terrance: Dead
Michael: 17
Elizabeth: Dead
Chris: 8

♡Michael's Pov♡
Me and the others were backstage. I had just finished explaining the plan. "Alright, everyone got it" I asked. "Mike, you've asked the same thing at least 5 times" Stella remarked. I stared at her "well don't be stupid, then I wouldn't have to repeat myself" I said, my British accent came out more which away came when I was annoyed, and they knew it. She froze and gave a weary smile and a thumbs up. I grinned and giggled "great, let's get started"

I ran out from backstage and ran down a hall to where Chris was. I ran and picked him up "Mikey! Put me down" I laughed and ran towards the stage "now why should I, it will ruin the fun" when I got to the stage, Mark was holding Fredbear's mouth open while the other 2 blocked people from getting on stage, besides me of course. I passed Stella and Fredrick and walked up to Fredbear. Chris was crying at this point and some people were looking to see what to commotion was, some even told us to stop, but we didn't. I lifted Chris up and put his head in Fredbear's mouth. I let go of him and he stayed, just how I wanted it. He tried to pull himself out, but he was too weak, he was coughing for air, the others were laughing like me. Then I realized that I didn't want to suffocate him, just scare him. I walked to him and grabbed his waist getting ready to pull him out, but before I knew it, everything happened so fast. One moment I was looking up at Chris who was crying, listening to the crowd forming telling us to put him down, the next, I saw Chris's head crushed, brain matter splattered around the inner mouth of the bear, some even dripping out in bloody globs on the floor, blood trickled down his neck till it reached my hands, blood had splattered on mine and Mark's face. The crowd had gone completely silent. Tears filled my eyes "C-Chris" I said quietly. I pulled him out so I could look him in the eyes, or what used to be eyes. I looked up back at the bear, there where 2 spring locks in the mouth, right where the eyes were, covered in blood, one even had part of an eye on it. I looked back at Chris, his scull crushed so you could see his brain, eyes peirced, one bleeding badly from a big gash in it. Blood poured from his mouth. "C-CHRIS" I cried out, I fell to the floor holding him in my arms, I pulled him against my breast to hid him from everyone. Mark, Stella, and Fredrick quickly came to my side, tears fell from our eyes, we never wanted to hurt him, just scare him. "Michael, what did you do" a voice yelled. I looked up and through tear filled eyes, I saw father running up to the stage. He pulled Chris out of my arms leaving a bloody stain on my crop top. "How could you" he yelled through tears. "I-it was an accident" I cried out. I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. "Someone call an ambulance" father yelled to the crowd, many had beat him to it. I looked out to the crowd, some where looking at me with discus and horror while others looked worried for Chris's well being. There was one person who caught my eye, noah. He stood there, frozen with horror all over his face, looked at the massacre on and behind me. He then looked at me and I swear I saw hatred flash in his eyes. My heart broke. I ran off stage crying, the others followed soon after. I ran outside and too my cat and locked myself in. I cried my eyes out on the steering wheel. Someone banged on my window and I looked up, Mark, Stella, and Fredrick were there. I unlocked the door and they quickly got in. Once they were in, I locked the doors. "I-Im s-so sor-ry" I said while crying "I s-shouldn't have bro-ght y-you guys i-into t-this" Fredrick, who was next to me hugged me "it was an accident, we- you never ment to harm him" I snuggled into his chest pretending that he was noah. My mind went back to his look, the hatred in his eyes. I pulled away and wiped away snot and my tears. "Let's just go home" home to us was an abandoned warehouse where we hung out to get away from life. Noah knew about, and as much as I hated the idea, I didn't want him to come. I started the cat "mike stop" I looked over at Mark "don't drive, you're in shock and not paying attention to anything, if you drive, it'll be suicide" he said, he was the most motherly out of all of us. I let out a shaky sigh and got oitbfor him to drive. Once I was in the back seat buckled up, Stella hugged me and didn't let go till we got there.

♡Noah's Pov♡
I was in the dinner, it was Chris's birthday. I was invited by Mrs. Afton because she realized I wasn't invited my michael, which pissed me off slightly but I brushed it off as an accident. I was currently looking for Chris to give him a hug, he always loved it when I hugged him. I suddenly heard commotion and I went to see what it was. There, on the stage, was Michael and his friends, he held Chris up up to Fredbear's mouth and put him in. Chris hung there for a few seconds trying to get out. Michael reached up and grabbed his waist as if he was going to take Chris out. Then, it happened. Chris's scull was crushed. I was shocked, Mike looked at the crowd and then looked at me. Hatred filled me for a second before going as fast as it came. Mike looked away from me then ran off. His friends followed him out the door. It broke my heart to see him like this, even if it was an accident. I longed to run out to him, hug him, comfort him, kiss him, but my body refused to, it stayed frozen to the spot. Eventually I was able to move, I ran out but he was already gone.

♡1105 words♡

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