♡Chapter 70♡

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Date: January 11th, 1995
Location: Nightmare Funtime Circus
Michael: Dead
Noah: Dead
Asher: Dead
♡Michael's Pov♡
I woke up in some type of void. I looked around, it was like there was some type if blue light shining down but I couldn't see it. There were also a few partials falling down, they looked like light blue sparkles or stars. Once they hit the ground, they disappeared. I looked at my body. There was some dried blood dripped into my shirt, I guess from my neck, and there were a few cuts and scratches on my legs and arms, probably from the woods. I felt my head, where he shot me, I could feel a hole and dried blood. I pursed my lips together and looked around. Nothing. There was nothing. All there was a black void that never ended. "H¡!, @r€ ¥0u @₩@k€¿" I jumped at the voice that came out of nowhere "w-who are you?" I asked and looked all around for someone or something. "0h,
¥€@h, $0rr¥. ¡'m N¡ghtm@r€ Funt¡m€ F0x¥, but ¥0u c@n c@|| m€ F0x¥." I bit my lip "well... Foxy, where am I and how am I here?" "₩e||, c@n ¡ h@v€ ¥0ur n@m€ f¡r$t?" "I'm Michael buy you can call me Mike." I said. "S0, M¡k€, y0u'r€ ¡n m¥, w€|| n0₩ ¥0ur'$ t00, m¡nd $p@c€." "Um- what's a mind space?" I asked "¡t'$ $0m€th¡ng th@t @|| @n¡m@tr0n¡c$ h@v€. ₩€ g0 t0 th€m ₩h€n ₩€ p0₩€r 0ff. ¡f ₩€'r€
p0$$€$$€d, ₩h¡ch ¡n th¡$ c@$€, th€n th€ s0u| r€$t$ th€r€ ¡f th€ @n¡m@tr0n¡c ¡$ ¡n c0ntr0| 0r v¡$€ v€r$@." I nodded as if they could see it. "Oh- well how am I here?" "¡ $@₩ ₩h@t h@pp€n€d." We stayed silent for a few minutes as I remembered what happened, but I could also see it from another view, I guess Foxy's view. "¡ ₩@nt€d t0 h€|p y0u @nd th€ 0n|¥ th¡ng ¡ c0u|d th¡nk 0f w@$ t0 |et y0u p0$$€$$ m€." "Oh... well thank you." I felt a small bit of joy. Maybe it was from them. "0f c0ur€! D0 y0u ₩@nt t0 m€€t th€ 0th€rs?" I was confused on what they ment by 'others' but I said "sure, why not." I felt a bit more joy that wasn't mine. "¥@¥! H€r€, ¡'|| g¡v€ y0u h@|f 0f th€ c0ntr0|, @nd d0n't ₩0rry, a|| ¡ n€€d t0 d0 ¡$ |€t g0 0f c0ntr0| @nd y0u ₩¡|| @ut0m@t¡c@||¥ g@¡n c0ntr0|." "Ok." I waited and before I knew it, everything went white before vision of the outside world faded in, however it looked like I was only looking through one eye. I looked around, I was in a tent. The tent was fairly big with a stage (imagine funtime foxy's stage the way Noah explained it but more decayed) there was also a box with a crank on it, it looked like a jack-in-the-box or a music box. Next to me was a dirty and cracked mirror. I looked into it and I saw a broken version of Funtime Foxy, but there was more teeth and just looked creepy in general. I knew that was me, and Foxy. One eye was a magenta-pinkish, I couldn't see though it, the other one was  a dull yellow, I could see through it. I looked infront of me. There was another fox in the same condition as me. However, the fox was white, or was white, they had a orange stomach that matched the top of their snout, their inner ears, and tip of their tail. They had a purple bow on and their eyes were fully black with white dots in the middle and purple cheeks underneath. I looked at them and cocked my head. "H¡" I looked at them "hi?" I said confused "who are you?" They smiled "m¥ n@m€ ¡$ |0|b¡t." She said. 'Lolbit? I remember father building her, but she was never sent... here' 'th@t'$ bec@u$e ₩€ @r€n't th€ r€@|
funt¡m€$, ₩€'r€ n0ck-0ff$.' I jumped at the sudden voice I'm my head. Lolbit smiled "¥0u mu$t'v€ h€@rd f0x¥, h€
|¡k€$ t0 $udd€n|¥ t@lk 0ut 0f n0₩h€r€." She exclaimed. I nodded "oh-" 'h@! ¥€@h, $0rr¥." I gave a chuckle and looked around "₩h@t'$ ¥0ur n@m€¿" Lolbit asked. "Oh, I'm Michael, or Mike." I said. Her smile brightened. "Mikey!" I smiled at her, she reminded me of my siblings. "What's your name?" I asked "¡t'$ D@¡$¥, @nd ¡'m $¡×" sadness engulfed me. She barely even lived her life before she lost it. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you die?" I asked reluctantly. She just gave me a sad smile. "¡ ₩@$ @t th€ p@rk ₩¡th my b€$t fr¡€nd ₩h€n h€ |€ft t0 g€t u$ ¡c€-cr€@m. Th€n $0m€ cr€€p¥ gu¥, ₩h0 |00k€d $¡m¡|@r t0 th€ gu¥ ₩h0 k¡||€d ¥0u but ¥0ung€r, |ur€d m€ ¡nt0 @n @||€¥ ₩¡th c@nd¥ ₩h€r€ h€ th€n $h0t m€." My eyes widened, poor thing, I'll try to lighten the mood. "Who was your friend?" She smiled again. "H¡$ n@m€ ₩@$ N0@h, ¡ m¡$$ h¡m" what... like my Noah? "What was his last name?" I asked "¡ th¡nk ¡t ₩@$ C@rt€r, N0@h C@rt€r" my eyes widened "₩h@t? D¡d ¡ $@¥ $0m€th¡ng?" I quickly shook my head "no, no just..." I let out a mechanical sigh "he was my husband, and my first friend." It was her turn to widened her eyes. "¥0u kn€₩ h¡m¿! H€ n€v€r t0|d m€ th@t h€ h@d @n0th€r fr¡€nd." I shook my head "no,  I meet him after you, I was eight and he was ten, I had just moved from the U.K when I met him." Her eyes sparkled and smiled "h0₩ ¡$ h€¿ d0€$ h€ r€m€mb€r m€¿" I shook my head "I-I don't know..." She cocked her head "₩h¥¿" I felt something roll down my cheek. I put my fingers in my cheek and looked at it, there was oil on it, tears, oil tears. "₩h@t'$ ₩r0ng¿" I looked at her with sadness "after our son died, he blamed himself and he...." "h€ ₩h@t¿" I cried more "he killed himself!" I cried and curled up into a ball. She stayed silent. Everything went white before I was then back in the void. "Ju$t r€$t f0r n0₩" Foxy said. I curled up and cried myself to sleep.
♡1128 words♡
So, I don't know how much I'll be able to post, I'm traveling to Orlando Florida for band, those who wondering, I'm in color guard, anyways, like I said I might not post much but I'll be back on March 26th. Have a wonderful day/night♡♡♡

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