♡Chapter 73♡

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Date: February 20th, 1995
Location: Circus
Michael: Foxy
Noah: Ennard
Asher: H€@v€n
♡Michael's Pov♡
I sat in my tent listening to Lolbit talk about how she met Noah. I looked at the door "Hey, do you ever leave the tent?" I asked. She shook her head "no, I'm scared to leave because of Babygeist." She said. I sighed, "how about we try to leave our animatronics, they might not see us." She thought "but what if they do see us, what makes you think they won't." I shrugged "we would be souls and if humans can't see souls, animatronics can't either since their eyes are based off humans." She sighed "Alright but how?" I thought about my death and then I was pushed out of the animatronic. I gasped and turned around to see Foxy taking control. He blinked at me "how?" He asked. "You can see me?" He nodded "how?" He asked "I just thought about my death." I said. "It works!" A little girl's voice said. I turned around and saw a small girl. Her hair was blonde and in pink tails with a pink dress but she had white wings but it looked like a heavy white hue was all over her and she was translucent. There was dried blood and a scab on the side of her head showing that she died to a shot to the head. She looked up at me and smiled "You're so pretty!" She squealed and hugged me. "What the-" a new voice came, it was Lolbit, like Lolbit's own AI. I looked up at her, her eyes were blue. I looked back at the girl or Daisy and smiled. "Do you want to explore the place?" I asked. She smiled brightly and nodded. I smiled and looked at Foxy and Lolbit. "So you guys want to come? I want to explore the office at the back of the Circus." Lolbit looked shocked "there's an office here?" Foxy nodded "did you not see it when we were first moved here?" She shook her head "keep in mind that was over fifteen years ago." Foxy sighed "Let's just go." "Yay!" Daisy cheered. I smiled, she reminded me of Asher. I picked her up and put her on my shoulders. She laughed and held onto my chin. I smiled and looked at Lolbit and Foxy as they got up. I looked at my wings and flapped them to try to get off the ground. I did it! I was flying. I smiled an] d giggled a bit. I flew out into the field and to the office with Foxy and Lolbit following us. When reached the door, it looked rusted shut. I went to put all my non-existent weight onto or but I just fell straight through the door. "Are you ok Mikey?" Daisy asked. "Yeah, didn't expect to fall through it." I said as I got up from the floor and took Daisy off my shoulders. I heard banging and looked at the door as Foxy ripped the open. Lolbit entered in after him and looked around. "Damn, it's creepy in here. It looks like it's been abandoned longer than we have been here." She said. "This kind of looks familiar." Daisy said (I'm changing her death and a small bit of my AU, you'll see it later in the chapter) I looked down the dark, musky hallway.

" Daisy said (I'm changing her death and a small bit of my AU, you'll see it later in the chapter) I looked down the dark, musky hallway

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"It kind of looks like a mixture of an office and a hospital." I said. "Its weird, I feel like I remember something of this place, but more.... alive." Daisy said and started to walk down the hall. I followed her. I grabbed onto her hand and looked around. The sound of plaster cracking  metal footsteps, and soft air currents, from our wings and steps, were the only things that filled the silence. As we walked past a room, something caught my eye. I looked into the room and walked in, pulling Daisy with me. I walked to a messy desk that was covered in papers, news papers, and blue prints. I reached down and attempted to pickup the newspaper but failed. After a few fails I was able to pick it up after focusing extremely hard on holding it. The paper was old and yellowing and the edges were curled.

 The paper was old and yellowing and the edges were curled

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I read the paper and pursed my lips. I kept looking at Noah. I missed him. I never knew him when he was 7 but he looked so sweet and innocent. 'Maybe her death is why he refused to go somewhere without me during a play data or a date. But he got over his fear, right? He let me go to the store alone.... but he also killed himself then.' I clenched my fists and crumbled the paper before throwing it on the ground. I dug through the rest of the papers where I saw blue prints. I grabbed all of them and looked at them and gasped. "What." Daisy asked and held onto the sides of the desk and her up on her tippy-toes to look over the desk. Both Foxy and Lolbit looked over my shoulders. The blueprints were the blueprints of the nightmare funimes, but fixed. They also weren't built for killing but for entertaining. I looked through the papers, Baby still could make ice-cream and balloons but her belly didn't have a claw, well it did but to hand out ice-cream, she could hold onto cake without damaging it. Ennard and Babygeist would actually be her partners, like siblings, Ennard would sing to the kids and Babygeist, whose original name was just Funtime Baby, would do the same thing as Baby, just with different color balloons and flavors of ice-cream. Ballora could dance with the kids and sing 'happy birthday.' Foxy and Lolbit were more of like a group then siblings like Baby, Ennard, and Babygeist. They would do synchronized songs and dances. Freddy and BonBon were also a group but Bonnet would also be there. Freddy and BonBon would make jokes while Bonnet would be making sarcastic jokes and comments but still tagged along with them. I looked at the papers 'but they said they were nock-offs but these blueprints were made in the mid sixties and the funtimes were made in the early seventies. So did father copy them and claim them as his own?' I looked at the bottom left corner of the papers. That's were the copyright would be. 'H. Emily studios' that was Henry's company before he merged with father's, which was when we moved here. I dug through more of the papers and saw yet another newspaper. It was went father and Henry's companies officially merged. After all it wad big news, two big companies merging isn't something you see everyday. But this place looks like it's been abandoned for decades but here is a paper, just over twenty-five years old. 'Either someone's living here or this place has just recently been abandoned.' I dug through more papers and Daisy went to the other desk in the room and did the same. After five minutes I couldn't find anything but she came up to me. "Mikey I found this, it looks like the Circus." She handed me three papers. One was a layout of the Circus. All the tents were in the same place and they even were labeled. 'Baby's Ice-Cream Paradise' 'Ballora's Party Tent' 'Funtime Foxy's Dance Hall' and 'Funtime Freddy's Comedy Land' the second paper was a newspaper. 'Henry Emily's Upcoming Circus.' And the final one was another news paper. 'Funtime Circus Project Canceled Due To Merging of Companies.' 'So the nightmare funimes were the original funimes made by Henry but when his and father's companies merged, they were thrown our while father copied his designs and claimed them as his own.' It was making since on why the Circus was here, how Daisy possessed Lolbit before the funimes, how their so old and broken, how that newspaper of father and Henry's companies Merging was here. It all made sense but they didn't know. I looked up at Foxy and Lolbit "did you guys know this?" I asked demandingly. They both shook their heads but before they could answer, someone barged in. It was Babygeist. "What are you guys doing here!" She yelled at Lolbit and Foxy them looked at us, specifically me. "And who are you." She growled and neared me. I pulled Daisy behind me and backed up. "Michael, Michael Afton." I said calmly. "And how are you here?" She said and leaned down to my face. I stayed silent. "He's with me, he possesses me." Foxy said. She snapped her head to him. "Great, another soul." Shr muttered under her breath then yelled. "All of you get put now before I dismantle you!" We all scrambled out and back to out tent. When we got there, I sat down and Daisy climbed into my lap and cuddled my chest as she yawned. I rubbed her head. "Go to sleep sweetie, you had a long night." I gently kissed her forehead and rubbed her back as she fell asleep. Foxy sat next to me and Lolbit next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I tried to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about those newspapers. There was something missing, I knew it, but what?
♡1573 words♡
Oop- sucky drama? Hidden sucky lore? Idk? Like seriously idk if I'll add more, that sucked

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