♡Chapter 47♡

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Date: January 17th, 1988
Location: House
Michael: 22
Noah: 24
Asher: 2
♡Michael's Pov♡
It was late at night. I couldn't sleep so I was reading a book. I sat in the moonlight, which just so happens to be Noah's lap, so I could read the pages. I listened to Noah's soft breathing, I loved that sound. Even if it was as subtle as it was, it calmed me and sometimes helped me sleep. I got bored of reading and marked my book before putting it down. I got off Noah and looked at him. His lips were slightly parted as if begging for a kiss. I smiled and pecked his lips. I got up and got changed into black jeans and a crop top then went downstairs. I had nothing to do, it was only 1 am so why not go on a drive, maybe smoke, have a drink, something the pass the time. In case Noah woke up, I wrote a note and put it on the fridge. I slipped on some sneakers and grabbed my keys and wallet then walked out the door. I went to my car and got in. I grabbed a cigarette and lit it before putting it between my lips. I pulled out of the driveway and just drove off. I eventually drove to a gay bar. I parked the car and got out, but of course I grabbed an extra cigarette. I went inside and sat down at the bar. I asked for a lighter and some guy with brown hair gave me one then sat next to me. "Hey there, why are you here so late?" He asked as I lit my cigarette. I looked at him "I couldn't sleep." I answered plainly. He chuckled "me neither, my boyfriend would kill me if he realized I was gone." I laughed "same, my fiance would kill me." He laughed "in what way?" I laughed harder "probably my spreading my legs." We laughed more and ordered ourselves some drinks, but not enough to get drunk. "I'm Mason." I smiled and finished my shot "Michael." We shook hands. "What time is it?" I asked. Mason looked at a clock "uh, looks like it 5:30." "Shit. I need to go soon." I ordered one last drink and finished it. "It was nice knowing you but I have to go." He smiled "bye." I left and got back into my car. I lit yet another cigarette and put it to my lips as I pulled out and back onto the road. I drove home and finished my cigarette as I pulled into the driveway. I put cigarette butt into the ashtray and got out. I went into the house and noticed that everything was untouched meaning that Noah never woke up. I went upstairs and got changed into sweatpants and one of Noah's hoddie and climbed into bed. Noah wrapped an arm over me and I jumped and turned to face him. "You smell like smoke and alcohol. I thought you would get over it." I sighed and he moved his head to get out of the way of mu breath. I flipped over to hide the smell of my breath. "I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep and I had nothing to do so I went out to drink and smoke." I closed my eyes and pursed my lips together. I heard a sigh and arms wrapped around me. He nuzzled into my neck. "Its ok, at least let me help you break that habit." I nodded "I love you." I felt a smile and a kiss against my neck. "I love you too darling.
♡609 words♡

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