♡Chapter 35♡

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Part 2 of last chapter:
December 19th, 1985
Location: car
Michael: 20
Noah 21
Asher: 7 months
♡Noah's Pov♡
I drove down the highway, periodically checking on Mike, who was still sleeping, to make sure he wasn't in an uncomfortable position. The sky was getting dark and I was slightly nervous. I never liked driving at night (relatable) and driving with someone in the car at night made me feel like scared of making a mistake (again, relatable) after thirty minutes, I saw a sign up ahead that said 'exit 81, West Sacramento' I sighed with relief and turned to the exit. I drove into the city and followed the signs to the pizzeria. I pulled into the abandoned parking lot. The place looks like it's been abandoned for a few months. Plants grew in the cracks of the parking lot. It looked like there was some graffiti on the wall, one of which said ' Carlton smells like feet' (if ykyk) I parked the car and turned it off. I looked at Mike and unbuckled him before pulling him on my lap. I kissed his cheek in an attempt to wake him. No luck. I kissed him on the lips. Still nothing. So I pushed my tongue into his mouth.
♡Michael's Pov♡
I woke up to Noah kissing me with tongue. At first I was shocked but I kissed back. I pulled away and looked around. We where here, and it was creepy. "Let's go in" I said as I ope the door. I slipped out and Noah got out behind me. I looked up at the sign. It was dark and slightly cracked. Some of the it had fallen off, showing the lights behind it. I sighed and reached into my pocket and grabbed the key, which dad gave me when he came to visit, and walked to the door. Noah followed behind me and I unlocked the door. The place was dark and looked like everyone got up and left. We walked into the dark dinning room. The door shut behind us with a loud bang causing me, and I'm assuming Noah as well, to jump. I sighed and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. "I'll check the kitchen, pirate's cove, and parts and service. You can check the dinning room, arcade, and back stage" I instructed. He nodded and went to the arcade. I walked down the hall and pushed open the kitchen door. "Dad?" I called out. No response. I looked in call the corners, but he wasn't there. I exited the kitchen and went back to the dining room and saw Noah on stage. I noticed that the animatronics where gone. "Are the animatronics back there" I asked. He jumped and looked at me before pulling away the curtain and looked in. "Nope" he said without looking at me. I walked down the other hall, the one that had the dusty pirate's cove sign. I entered the party room that had a small stage with a sign that read 'sorry! Out of order' I went to the stage and pulled away the curtain, expecting Foxy to be there, but he wasn't. I quickly looked around the room before exiting the room and walked down further down the hall to parts and service. I opened the heavy, metal door and looked in. It nearly pitch black. I walked in hoping the door wouldn't close. Sadly it did. I ran my hand over the wall for a light switch, till I finally found it. I flipped it on and a single old yellow light bulb lit up covering the room in a yellowish hue. I saw all the animatronics there, 'strange' I looked at the robots, nothing about them where severely damaged. I looked over at the dark corner and noticed a figure. There was a old, dried up puddle around the thing. It was black, maybe oil. I went the the figure and a golden bonnie came into view, springbonnie. I took a closer look at it and pit my hands on its face to pick it up. The fur was sticky and had some type of crust on it. I lifted up the head and looked into its eyes. Cold and dead, like always. I then noticed something behind the eyes, like a human face? I looked at the rest of the body. That black crust covered a lot of the fur. It then hit me, that wasn't dried oil, that was dried blood. I looked back up at the face, mainly the mouth, and I saw him. Dad. He was in the springbonnie suit, it looked like he had been springlocked. I dropped the head and screamed as I stumbled back and fell. I heard running footsteps but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the rabbit. The door slammed open "Michael, what ha-" he went silent when his eyes fell on the rabbit. He came over to me, not once removing his gaze from the rabbit, and helped me up. I walked backwards into his chest, still looking at the thing. He wrapped his arms around me which made me feel slightly more safe. "L-Let's get out of here" he said. He dragged me out of the room and I stumbled in an attempt to keep up. We got to the car and he opened the passenger door and basically threw me in. I buckled in as he got in and sped off. I released that I didn't lock the door. "Noah, I didn't lock the door" "it doesn't matter" he replied and he drove home.
♡935 words♡
Happy new year

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