《♡Chapter 31♡》

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Date: August 27th, 1985
Location: Apartment
Michael: 20
Noah: 21
Asher: 3 months

♡Michael's Pov♡
        I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Noah was sitting on the couch with Asher across from him. They were 'playing' with each other. In other words, Noah would make some noise like 'goo' 'ba' or 'ah' and Asher would copy the noise the best he could before making another noise and Noah would copy. Honestly it was cute.

"Breakfast is ready!" I called. I served the food on two plates. Noah picked up Ash and put him in his high chair and grabbed the bottle next to me and started to feed him. I put the plates on the table and got his coffer and my tea as well. I set the rest of the table and sat down and watched as Ash finished his bottle. I sighed and grabbed my fork and started to eat. Once he finished, Noah but the bottle in the cup holder on the tray of the chair and started to eat. Of course the phone started to ring. I groaned and went to stand up.

"Stay," Noah said, "you've done enough this morning, I'll get it." Noah got up and went to the phone and picked it up.
"hello?" ... "Oh, Hello Mr. Afton." I saw his smile drop "oh, when are you leaving?" ... "oh, ok." he turned to me "you dad wants to talk to you." I sighed in annoyance and got up and went to Noah. He handed me the phone and I put it up to my ear.

"you wished to speak to me." "Hello mike, I wanted to tell you that we are going to come over." I stood up straight "why?" I said quickly "why, are we not allowed to see my son?" I pursed my lips together "and..." I couldn't help but grin thinking that he would finally admit that he fully accepts Noah

in present day he fully accepts Noah but in the past he didn't accept him fully

I heard him groan "and my future son-in-law." I smiled. I was hoping that Noah would propose to me, and I told father about it, but I was slowly starting to lose hope about him actually proposing. "Anyways, I suppose we'll see you soon, goodbye." I hung up before he could say anything. I turned around and went to the table and behind Noah. I put my arms over his shoulders and hugged his neck. He held my hands and rubbed my knuckles.

"what were you smiling about?" I smiled again "he finally admitted that you would be his future son-in-law." I kissed his hair and went back to my seat and finished eating "soon enough I will be his son-in-law." I smiled, but for a short time. My smiled faltered as my doubts came back.

"We need to drop Ashed off at your brother, sister, or parent's house. I don't want them to know about Ash, I still don't trust my father." I didn't trust him because all of my siblings died to animatronics and I didn't want my only son to die early. He nodded and finished his food. I got up and grabbed the plates and washed them. Noah went to our room to lay down. I picked up Ash and went to our room. I set him on Noah's chest and I got changed.

"I'm going to drop him off at your sister's." I said. He nodded and I frowned "can you pick up the living room?" "yup." I gritted my teeth. As much as I love him, when he goes into one of these 'I'm lazy so I'm just nod and say yes or no to anything' mood, I hated it. I grabbed Ash and went to his nursery and grabbed his travel bag and got his stuffed bear. I got in the car and drove to Sarah's house. I got out of the car and got Ash and his bag. I went to the door and knocked. A guy answered the door.

"who are you?" he asked. "Um, does Sarah Carter live here?" I knew she lived here, but I don't know who this guy was. He looked down at me then Ash before slamming the door in my face. I scoffed "seriously." I said. Frowning, I turned around and went to the car when I heard a conversation from inside the house.

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