《 ♡ Chapter 45♡》

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Date: May 4th, 1987
Location: House
Michael: 22
Noah: 24
Asher: 2
♡Michael's Pov♡
My alarm went off and I slammed my hand on it. Noah wrapped his arms around me and mumbled "Darling, why are you getting up? You already finished your week." I sighed and pushed his arms off me to get up. "I know, but some bitch decided to take a night off at the last minute and I was the only one available. I'm sorry." He sat up and pulled me to him. "Its ok darling, just stay safe." He kissed me and then let go. I got changed and when I finished he already went back to sleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I left the room and went downstairs to grab my wallet and keys then left. I drove to the location and parked. When I walked in, I was greeted by the dead faces of the Toy animatronics. I ignored them and walked down the dark halls to the office. I sat down and got myself situated before clocking in and getting started.

I was about half way through my shift when I heard that iconic sound of mangle. I looked up and saw it. It was way to close for comfort and I want to put on my mask, but it was to late. As I reached for the mask, it lunged at me. I let out a scream as it bit onto my head. I felt the teeth puncture my skin and my scull crack. I screamed as loud as possible as if someone else was in building. The scream must of scared it off but it ripped a huge part of my scalp off and possibly some of my scull as it ran away. With tears in my eyes, I bit my lip hard to help with the pain, but it did very little and I just ended up biting though my lip. I reached for the phone and dialed 911. "911 what's your emergency?" "I-I just got attacked by an animatronic and Freddy's Toy Pizzarea. Please send help, I feel like I might pass out." "Sending help immediately, try to stay on the phone." I tried to, but blood poured out of my head and I was losing concensus. The phone fell out of my hand and I fell to the ground in my own puddle of blood.
♡Noah's Pov♡
I woke up to the phone ringing in the kitchen. I groaned and got up and went to the phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Is this Noah Carter?" "Um yes, this is he." "Are you related to Michael Afton in any way?" At this point, I was fully awake and starting to worry "yes I am, I'm his boyfriend. Why? What happened?" "Well, sir, your boyfriend is at ###### hospital, he was attacked in the head by one of the animatronics and is currently under critical condition." I froze "I-I- I'll be there as soon as possible." I didn't let them answer before running upstairs and threw on random shirt, pants and shoes and ran to Asher's room. I picked him and his bear up and ran downstairs. He woke up "papa, what are you doing?" "We need to go to mama, he's hurt." Was all I said as I buckled him into his car seat and booked it to the hospital. I got out and got Asher and ran inside and to the receptionist. "Hello sir, what do you need tonight." "Michael Afton, where is he?" I asked frantically. She looked up at me "what us your name and what are you to him?" "Noah Carter, his boyfriend." She typed something into her computer "room 769 but he's currently in surgery so you can wait outside." I nodded and thanked her before running to the elevators. We went upstairs to the 7th floor and went to his room. There was a doctor at the door as if waiting for someone. He looked at me "Noah?" I nodded and he pointed to the chairs across from the door and I sat down. He grabbed a clipboard from a folder on the door and sat next to me. Asher curled up in my lap and cuddled to my chest and fell asleep. The doctor looked at his clipboard. "So the police ate still currently investigating what happened but what we were able to get from him is that the animatronic mangle attacked him in the head, cracking his skull. He was able to scare ot off with his scream but it ripped off a large part of his scalp and part of his skull exposing his brain. It's honestly a miracle that he's been able to survive so far." I looked his straight in the eyes "so, far?" I asked nervously. He nodded "an injury like that is almost always fatal but he was able to act fast which helped a lot, as long as surgery goes well, which it should, he'd be perfectly fine after healing. Though there will be permanent trauma, both physically and mentally, it would be highly advised for him to never go there again under any circumstances." I nodded "t-thank you doctor." He nodded and got up and left. I hugged Asher close to me and silently cried.

I woke up to a someone shaking me. I blinked and rubbed my eyes as I looked up. Mt neck and back hurt a little from the position I was in but I ignored it. There was a nurse infront of me. "Sir, the surgery was successful but he is still out, you may enter but please do not try to wake him or mess with his head." I nodded and stood up. "Thank you." She nodded and walked off. I went to the door and opened it. There I saw Mike on the bed, either passes out or sleeping, with cords and IVs attached to him. There was a beep every few seconds from the heart monitor and a sound of pumped air by the ventilator (that's the thing that helps people breathe) there was a tube going down his throat indicating that something must of happened to his chest that caused him to struggle to breathe, or that it was a precaution. I went over to him and sat at the chair next to his bed and put the sleeping Asher in my lap. The top of his head was covered in bandages. I couldn't see his hair meaning that the must of shaved it, I hopes that they didn't because I knew how much his hair ment. After further examination, I noticed that his hair was just tied back in a bun. After twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. The same nurse from earlier came in with a clipboard. "So, as I said the surgery was successful, but there will be a big scar on his head that will slow down hair growth. We did have to shave around the wounded area but most of his hair is still there. We did give him a ventilator in case of an complications. He will have to stay a couple of days to heal. In case he wakes up, or something is wrong, please don't do anything other than push this button," she pointed to a button that was above his head, "I know you would want to help, trust me I've been there, but it's best to let the doctors and professionals help." I nodded and looked back at him. I heard the door open and close meaning that the nurse left. I got up and put Asher down on the seat next to mine. I looked around and saw some blankets labeled 'for visitors.' I went over and grabbed one of the smaller ones and laid it over Asher. I then gently grabbed Michael's hand and rubbed his knuckles and kissed them. "I love you darling." I whispered against them. I looked at Asher. 'He must be hungry.' I looked at the door 'but I can't leave him alone.' I sighed and went to Asher and woke him up. "Papa?" I knelt down infront of the chair to look at him "sweetheart, are you hungry?" He rubbed his eyes, yawned and sat up. "Yeah, can we get cereal?" I chuckled "of course we can, but we have to go fast so we can stay with mama longer." He nodded and jumped off the chair and I got up and grabbed his hand. I looked up at Mike calm face. "I don't know if you can hear me darling, but if you wake up and we're not there, we went to get food, love you." I whispered with a smile "I wove you too mama." Asher said in a bit louder voice. I walked out the door and we went to the cafeteria. I got Asher his cereal and got myself a pb&j sandwich. Asher insisted that we go somewhere to sit and eat and I gave in. We found and small a two person table and sat down. I told him to eat fast so we can see Mike and he listened. After ten minutes, we both finished and went back upstairs to Mike. As I neared the door, I heard faint coughing coming from Mike's room. I gripped onto Asher's hand and rushed in and saw that Mike was awake but the tube made him cough. I put Asher on the seat and rushed to Mike. "Darling, it's ok I'm here, ther doctors will be here soon," I said as I pushed the button. "Darling please try your best to calm down, deep breaths, don't hyperventilate." He gave a soft nod and took deep breath with me. Doctors rushed into the room and I moved out of the way and let them do their thing. They took out the tube and did a checkup on him before they left after ten minutes. I went to him and held onto his hand. He looked up at me "Hey darling, how are you feeling?" I asked "numb." Was all he said. I kissed his hand and Asher came over and tried to climb onto the bed but I stopped him "no Asher, you can't climb on the bed, it'll hurt mama." He looked up as me sadly and I picked him up and held him to Mike. Mike gave a weak smile and put his hand on his cheek. "Hi sweetheart." Asher smiled widely "hi mama, I wove you!" Mike smiled "I love you too."
♡1 week later♡
♡Noah's Pov♡
After a week, Mike was able to come home. He was able to take off his bandage, but only to wash or change them. He still needed help with some basic needs, because of his head was in pain, like eating or getting up and changing his bandages. I was perfectly fine with helping him, as long as he's ok. I was currently on the couch with Mike in between my legs sleeping on my chest. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I'm so happy that he's still here.
♡1864 words♡
So, I added this in because I wanted to do the bite of '87 cause karma's a bitch. Also, expect lots of updates as I change every, single. name.

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