♡Chapter 77♡

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Date: March 31st, 1998
Location: House
Michael: Foxy
Noah: Ennard
Asher: H€v@n
♡Michael's Pov♡
I woke up in my empty and dusty bed. I sneezed a few times and got up. The house was still and silent, not even the hallucinations were here. 'What happened to them?' I asked 'to who?' I jumped at the unknown voice in my head. 'Foxy?!' 'Yes?' 'How are you here? I'm not in animatronic form.' 'As long as you possess me, either in animatronic or human form, I can still talk in your mind. I'm apart of your conscious.' 'Ooh.' I got up from bed and left my room. I looked around the house. Dusty photos covered the walls. I went over to a wall that had a bunch of photos. I wiped the dust off one and looked at it. It wad when me and Noah first met. 'God I miss him.' 'Can I take half control' 'sure' half of my vision went black and I looked back at the photo. I smiled as I looked at the old and badly colored photo. Colored photos were expensive and new. We were smiling brightly. I looked at the photo next to it and wiped the dust off it. Me and Noah at homecoming. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at us. He wore a beautiful black suit while I wore a white suit that was more feminine. His arm was around my waist and holding my waist. My hands were on his chest and we were both smiling. I wiped the dust off the next one, another homecoming one. This time he was dipping me while we kissed. The next was us at prom recreating our homecoming pictures, I still remember him suggesting that.

Noah ran to me. "Darling! I have an idea!" I closed my locker and looked at him. "Wow, not even a hello or a kiss." He chuckled and pecked my lips. "There now listen." I nodded. "What if for prom we recreate our homecoming photos?" I smiled "I don't see why not love." He smiled and kissed me. "I love you darling." "I love you more."
I wiped my eyes and looked at the next one, I was pregnant then. It looks like Noah's birthday, he was holding the atari while kissing my cheek while I smiled and held the camera out to show his present and my stomach. The next was Asher's birth and the last one was our wedding. I sniffed and wiped my dusty hands on my shorts and went downstairs. I went downstairs and opened the fridge to see if there was anything, apparently I still had beer in there. I grinned and grabbed a bottle and opened it and took a sip. 'God, I miss the taste.' 'But isn't beer bad for you? 'Not always, only if I get drunk.' I knew getting drunk wasn't always bad but eh, I'm dead. I took another bottle and my bottle opener and sat on the couch to watch a random show. 'Why are you drinking so much?' I didn't answer him. I drank the two bottles and surprisingly I wasn't drunk but I was a bit tippsy. I looked underneath the TV and saw the atari, still plugged in. It was extremely dusy of course, like everything in the house, after all, it hadn't been used in maybe ten years. I got up and stumbled a bit and grabbed one of the controllers and sat back down and played some games. I loved this, it reminded me of Noah. I laughed and thats when I heard it. "Yes! You go darling!" I turned around and saw another hallucination of Noah. He moved around the couch and sat down next to me. He laughed and watched me. 'Who's that?' 'That's a hallucination of my husband, I know he's not actually here but it feels nice to see him.' I smiled at him and paused the game. "Love, can I have a kiss." He smiled at me and pecked my lips. I couldn't feel it but I imagined the feeling and smiled. 'I know you're just a hallucination but please stay with me.'
♡698 words♡
Ok first, hopefully American girls who have heard about what April 24th is (which no I'm not explaining) I hope all of you guys are safe, and two, ik this is short but not many ideas, again

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