♡Chapter 107♡

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Date: November 6th, 2007
Location: Pizzaplex
Michael: G. Freddy
Noah: ???
Asher: H€@v€n
♡Michael's Pov♡

I woke up in the power module in the hall behind my show room, however my charge didn't feel full and wasn't going up. I looked around before stepping out and walking back to the room and going to the mirror. 'We have a show soon.' Freddy said and I sighed. "Showtime already?" I grumbled to myself "we're experiencing a malfunction, and the recharge cycle is not complete." I told Freddy. 'Odd, perhaps it was from that fall?' I gave a small shrug then "Shh! Will you shut up?" I jumped a bit when that voice came out of nowhere, it sounded like a child. 'What the-? hold on.' Freddy then took half control. "Who said that?" he asked. "I did! I'm down here!" the voice replied, and we looked down and around but saw nobody. "Down where?" I asked, "I still do not see you." Freddy added. "Ok, listen," the child said, "You were sleeping, so I opened the stomach hatch and climbed inside." It took me a moment to connect what he meant. "My stomach hatches?!" I exclaimed. "That place is reserved for over-sized birthday cakes and piñatas! It is not a safe play-area!" Freddy scolded. He opened our hatch and a boy climbed out. "There you are!" Freddy said and picked up the boy and scanned him. the face got saved into our server, but I didn't find a match despite the fact I've never scanned anyone. "Scanning complete." Freddy said and dropped the boy. "How odd. Your guest profile is unknown to me. Who are you?"  I looked down at him curiously "I, I'm Gregory." my eyes widened when I recognized that name. Gregory? Asher's friend. How was he here? Why? And how was he still a kid? "I- I'm Gregory." His stuttered response only confirmed my beliefs. "Gregory... hm. I will notify the main office." Freddy spoke. we tried to get into the system, but it seemed like something was blocking us. "Huh, connection error. We- I cannot connect to the main network." I mumbled. "It's her, she cut you off!" Gregory exclaimed. "She's not going to let you call for help until she finds me!" "Who? Who is looking for you? Your mother?" I asked. "Shh! I hear footsteps!" he said and rushed to the window where I saw Officer Vennessa walk by, she could help. "That is the security guard, she can help!" Freddy said. "No! No. I don't trust her." that just confused me even more. "Why not?" I asked. "I don't know who she is, but she's trying to get me!" he cried, then sighed and glared at us. "Isn't there some other way for you to communicate with me besides talking so loudly?" I cocked my head. if she wanted to find him, why would she cut me off so I couldn't notify her that we found him. On top of that, why would she be looking for him? did he break in? Freddy quickly shook it off. "Ah, take this. It is a novelty Freddy Faz-Watch." Freddy said and our stomach hatch opened revealing a wind-up gift box. Gregory hesitantly neared and turned the bar, and it popped open, and a Faz-watch was there. he grabbed it and put it on. "Thanks." he mumbled, and we smiled. Freddy managed to send a message through the watch and unlocked the back door for him. soon, Gregory wandered out and Freddy kept sending instructions to get us out. Now all we had to do was wait.


♡595 words♡


Finally finished this and this took way too damn long for such a short chapter. I'm sorry but I hope you guys liked it.

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