♡Chapter 51♡

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April 22nd, 1989
Location: Venue
Michael: 23
Noah: 26
Asher: 4
♡Michael's Pov♡
I stood up straight with my arms outstretched. Mrs. Carter was lasing the back of my dress up while Sarah did my tie and hair. I was desperate to see Noah, I hadn't seen him since the other day ago. Sarah finished up with putting the flower crown vail on. The vail was pushed back to expose my face for the makeup. I smiled "Thank you guys so much for doing this." I said. Sarah smiled. "Of course dear, you're going to be my son-in-law, plus we know what happened with your family so it's the least we could do." Mrs. Carter said, I smiled at her words. "Can I call you 'mom'?" I asked. He turned me around and hugged me. "Of course dear." Tears forms and I hugged her and she aloud me to cry into her shoulder. Ten minutes later I finished and apologized for wasting time. She cupped my cheek "no need to dear, you needed to cry, and I'm now your mother." I smiled and wiped my eyes and let Sarah do my makeup.
♡Noah's Pov♡
I was getting Asher dressed in his outfit. Dad stood behind me with Christian, who had a smirk, next to him. "Now I have another little brother to te-" I cut him off "no." I said firmly. Christian used to tease me in a joking way when I was younger. Sarah and Christian were way older than me, like Sarah was in eighth grade and Christian was in sixth by the time I was born. He never hurt me but would tease me by holding things I wanted about his head. There was no doubt he would do the same to Mike. I finished buttoning Asher's shirt and stood up and flattened my suit. I got the flower basket, that was filled with lavender colored rose petals. "Ready Ash?" I asked. He gave me a big smile and nodded. I looked at dad "can you tell them that I'm ready." He smiled and nodded. I asked him because he was going to walk Michael down the aisle. I looked at Christian who smiled and walked out of the dressing room. I looked at Ash. "Ok buddy, just go the mommy and they'll tell you what to do." He nodded and left. I took a deep breath and went out. The venue was absolutely beautiful.

The priest stood at the alter and smiled at me. She held a book in her arms and her curly cinnamon colored hair tied back by two strands pulled back into a ponytail with he rest flowing freely. She had. She had a silver dress on with beaded floral design on it. I went up to the alter and stood waiting for the musicians to start the music signaling that Mike was ready. The priest put a hand on my back. I looked at her and she had a smile "congratulations." I smiled and opened my mouth to say something but then the music started. I was about to get married to the love of my life.
♡Michael's Pov♡
Sarah was finishing up with my makeup up when dad, Mr. Carter, came in. He looked at me. "You look beautiful Michael." I smiled "thank you father." He was shocked but came to hug me. I hugged him back. Asher came into the room with the basket. I smiled at him and lifted my dress to kneel down. I hugged him and gave a gentle kiss on his. Forehead. I stood up and got ready. Sarah and mother left the room. Father grabbed my bouquet, which was a mixture of white roses and string of pearls. I grabbed it and he held out his arm and I wrapped mine around his. He put my vail over my face and told Asher what to do. Asher got infront of us and excited first. I counted to five in my head and we started walking. The music started and Asher tossed the petals. I looked up and saw Noah at the alter. I smiled, though he couldn't see it through the vail. We walked up and dad pulled away and went to sit down with Asher. I stepped up onto the alter and looked at Noah. He smiled and me and held my hands.
Quick Note: please understand that the next part is taken from a website so I do not know how accurate it is.
The priest opened her book and held it in one arm while outstretching the other. "Thank you for being here today as Noah Carter and Michael Afton enter into a lifelong civil union. Today we celebrate the separate journeys that brought them together, and we usher them toward the new journey they will embark upon as partners." She smiled and looked at both of us, our hands, them back to the small crowd of Noah's family. "A true lasting marriage requires effort, commitment, and unending respect. As Noah and Michael declare their love on this day, we reflect on the meaning of partnership and its importance to a successful union. Partners, in life, think of one another as teammates, equally capable, but each arriving with their own special skills." She looked at each of us as she mentioned our names. "A marriage thrives when each partner chooses to value the other: for everything they are, and for everything they're not. There is no limit to what a partnership can accomplish when trust and admiration flow abundantly. Today, Noah and Michael acknowledge this with excitement as they prepare to join hands in marriage." She read a reading that we chose. "As I guide you in exchanging your vows, you, Noah, and you, Michael will declare your intentions for a lasting partnership in love and marriage. Are you prepared to do this?" She looked at Noah "I do." She then looked at me, I gave a small nod "I do." She smiled and looked back to the book. "Without further ado, let's begin." She looked back to Noah "Repeat after me. I, Noah Carter, take you, Michael Afton, to be my husband. I promise that from this day forward I will regard you not only as my equal partner but as my closest friend. I promise to comfort you in sickness and in health. I promise to demonstrate my commitment to you through love, laughter, and compassion. I love you." Noah looked at me with a smile "I, Noah Carter, take you, Michael Afton, to be my husband. I promise that from this day forward I will regard you not only as my equal partner but as my closest friend. I promise to comfort you in sickness and in health. I promise to demonstrate my commitment to you through love, laughter, and compassion. I love you." I smiled and held back tears. She looked at me "Repeat after me. I, Michael Afton, take you, Noah Carter, to be my husband. I promise that from this day forward I will regard you not only as my equal partner but as my closest friend. I promise to comfort you in sickness and in health. I promise to demonstrate my commitment to you through love, laughter, and compassion. I love you." I looked to Noah I, Michael Afton, take you, Noah Carter, to be my husband. I promise that from this day forward I will regard you not only as my equal partner but as my closest friend. I promise to comfort you in sickness and in health. I promise to demonstrate my commitment to you through love, laughter, and compassion. I love you." She smiled then looked up at Christian who was bringing up the rings. "Please present one another your rings. These rings symbolize the strength of your commitment to this marriage and the love you share." She looked to Noah and nodded gesturing that he could say his vows. He looked at me and smiled "Michael Afton, I promise to be faithful, supportive, and loyal and to give you my companionship and love throughout all the changes of our life. I vow to bring you happiness, and I will treasure you as my companion. I will celebrate the joys of life with you. I promise to support your dreams, and walk beside you offering courage and strength through all endeavors. From this day forward, I will be proud to be your husband and your best friend." I smiled and reached under my vail to wipe tears away. Noah took this chance to do the same. She looked to me and nodded. I smiled and looked to Noah. "I choose you, Noah Carter, to be my husband, as my friend and love. On this day I affirm the relationship we have enjoyed, looking to the future and to keep and strengthen it. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. Together, we will dream, and live as one while respecting one another, we will stumble but restore each other, we will share all things. I will cherish, comfort, and encourage you, be open with you, and stay with you as long as I shall live." He smiled and wiped his eyes again. He reached to one of the rings on the ring pillow. The ring was simple with just a rose gold band with a single amethyst engraved into it. He held up the ring and looked to the priest. She smiled and looked to me. "Michael Afton, do you take Noah Carter to be your forever through life and death?" I smiled "I do." He held up my right hand and slipped on the ring. I smiled and grabbed the other ring, which matched mine but with a ruby. "Noah Carter, do you take Michael Afton to be your forever husband through life and death?" He smiled and wiped his eyes again and nodded "I do." I slipped on the ring and smiled. "By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church before your witnesses, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you spiritually and lawfully united. You may kiss the bride" Noah grabbed my waist and pulled me close. He lifted up my vail and held my cheek and he kissed me gently. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around him. The tears finally spilled over my cheeks, smearing my makeup but I couldn't care less. Every one around us clapped and Noah broke the kiss. Our faces were still close so our noses touched. "You're now my beautiful husband, or wife. wait, what do you want to call you." I giggled "I'm fine with anything, but mainly husband." He nuzzled into my neck "then you're my beloved husband." I smiled and hugged him back. I pulled away and grabbed his hand and pulled him off the alter "now come on, I went through all that and I want cake now." He busted out laughing and followed me to the reception area. The rest of the family also followed us. We got to the reception and I looked around. There was a wooden floor and the walls were white with Chandlers handing high. There was another room that was the dance room. Infront of us was a small table with butlers with trays of food waiting for us. I smiled an dragged Noah to the table and sat down. He sat to my right and Asher climbed up to the chair next to me. Everyone else sat around the table and served us our food and poured us wine, Ash got apple juice. Sarah stood up and held up her wine glass. "I want to have a toast to the newly wedded couple." She smiled at us and we held hands. "I wanted to wish you two to have the happiest life together. I remember when Noah first came out as Bisexual, I expected him to get a girlfriend soon, but when he said he got a boyfriend, I couldn't be more proud of my baby brother. When you guys announced that Mike was pregnant, it was honestly one of the best days of my life knowing that your relationship has held together. Now here we are today, after nine years, nearly ten, a married couple now. So o give a toast to Noah and Michael. Congratulations!" She held up her glass higher and so did everyone else, including me, Noah, and Asher, and said 'congratulations' in unison and took a sip. Everyone cheered and I kissed Noah. We went to eating and talked. Christian had gotten a girlfriend but she was on a business trip so she couldn't come. Tyler had a sister who recently got pregnant. When we finished eating, it was time for cake. The butlers rolled in the cake. It was beautiful. A three tiered, white cake with roses and chocolate pearls decorating it. On top was a red strip to be a red carpet with two figures on top, me and Noah, with a flower archway over us. I smiled and grabbed the Knife. Noah came behind me and reached around me and grabbed the knife. We sliced the cake and put it on a plate. That was for us. We set the knife down and moved away. One butler took the knife and sliced the cake for the rest while another handed us our plate and a fork. I took the fork and Noah took the plate. I cut some off and tried it. I closed my eyes and smiled with a moan. "It's so good~" Noah chuckled "can I have some?" I looked at him and swallowed before cutting another slice and brought the fork to his mouth. But instead of putting the fork in his open mouth, I brought it to his nose and got icing on his nose. I giggled "oops, I didn't mean that~" I giggled more and Noah started to laugh. I put the fork in his mouth and he chewed it and humed. "It is good." I smiled and got closer. I pressed my back to his chest and rested my head on his shoulder. He took the fork out of my hand and started to feed me. He'd give me a bite, then take a bite. When everyone finished their cake, we went to the dance room. The DJ looked at us and smiled "welcome and congratulations!" He called over the music. We all danced for a but and after fifteen minutes, the DJ then called out "I think it's time for the newly wedded couple to have their first dance." I smiled and looked at Noah as he led me to the middle of the dance floor. Slow music started and Noah held out his hand with the other behind his back and did a small bow. I smiled and took his hand. He stood up and pulled me close. He put his hand on my waist and held my other. My free hand was on his shoulder. We slowly started to sway and take a few steps on circles. We started to dance faster and he let go of my waist and spun me them grabbed my waist in dipped me. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him. He kissed back and slowly brought us up. Soon, we pulled apart. It was time for the groom to dance with his mother. I pursed my lips together but then forced a smile and stepped off the floor. I watched as mom went to Noah and he held her the same way as he held me. (NOT a ship god damn it) they slowly starting to dance and I looked away. I couldn't bear the thought that I wouldn't be able to dance with father. My father. I held back tears, I couldn't look at him. It was supposed to be a happy day, not sad tears, but it hurt. Dad came over and hugged me. "I know I'm not your real father, but would you like to dance?" I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled and rubbed my back "its ok." He whispered. Noah and mom finished dancing and he came over to me and kissed me. I kissed back and pulled away. Dad led me to the floor and held me gently by the waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest. We slowly started to sway. It was like I was dancing with father. I remember when it was just me and Terrance, Liz wasn't born yet. We would play music in the record player and dance. We would dance alone, me or Terrance dancing with father, or all three of us. It was rare for times like this because father was always working. When I danced with him, I would stand on his feet and hold his hands while he took small steps in a circle. I started to cry and dad rubbed my back and said nothing. I closed my eyes and gave a weak smile. We danced for another five minutes before pulling away. "Thank you." I said in a quiet, quivering voice. Dad smiled and cupped my cheek and wiped a teat with his thumb. "Of course." He kissed my forehead gently and smiled. I smiled back and went to Noah. We all danced and we both danced with Asher. It was starting to get dark outside so me and Noah decided to have one last dance fir the day. He held me close and swayed. I looked into his dazzling ruby red eyes and smiled. He pulled me into a kiss and smiled again my lips. "My beautiful darling." He kissed me again "my beautiful, beloved husband."
♡2978 words♡

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