♡Chapter 104♡

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Date: September 24 2006
Location: House
Michael: ???
Noah: ???
Asher: H€@v€n
♡Sarah's Pov♡
I walked down the street as I neared the house. the house looked old and abandoned, which isn't normal conceding that Michael used cleaning as a coping mechanism and their deaths. every time someone went to go check on him, he's always cleaning one way or another, except recently. we haven't visited him in a bit and the one time we did visit him, he seemed... different. he claimed that he was with his aunt for two years after Noah's death. he claimed that he hired a house cleaner who never cleaned the house, but something was off then, he looked like he was relived to be... something or someone? I don't know how to explain it, he was different. I walked through the overly grown yard and reached the front porch. The chairs were old and the cushions had some holes, most likely from moths. I looked at the very old and worn out welcome mat. I flipped it and bugs scrambled away. I shivered and quickly grabbed the old, dull, gold house key. Some might ask why I'm here and the answer is my daughter, Stacy. She recently turned 15 and wanted to know more about her uncles. She's met christan many times and his son, her cousin and my nephew, Alan. He was only 8 but they were close. However, she's never met Asher and Noah. They died before she was born. She's only met Michael and that was when she was only a few months old. Due to Tyler's job, we had to move a few hours away after her birth so out visits with Michael were limited and rare. Christian moved to Italy with his fiance so their making it even with homeland. I sighed and unlocked the door and immediately choked. There was so much dust. Dust was everywhere. "What the fuck happened?" I mumbled and stepped into the house. Everything was caked in dust and it was thick, clearly nobody had been here, for years. I though Mike just gave up on cleaning but it was something else, if not worse. I walked around, dust flew up with every step I took. I looked around and saw many dust coated pictures. I wiped them away and they were just family pictures of them. They looked so happy, so oblivious to what was coming. Asher's smile was so bright and innocent, I wanted to cry knowing that he wouldn't have that smile for long after. I took a deep breath and walked to the base of the stairs and looked at them, they were just as coated with dust as everything else. I carefully walked up them, taking each step with ease and testing the next before taking another step. They creaked dangerously with each step till I reached the top. The second floor seemed hotter than the first, more humid. I ignored the heat and looked around. More family photos and dust. I walked into Asher's room and froze. There was a feeling that I couldn't explain, it felt like sorrow. I swear I could see Asher playing with teddy. He looked at me and smiled. "Auntie Sarah!" He jumped up and hugged me but I felt nothing "you look older. How old are you?" I smiled softly, the innocence of a child was so incredible. He disappeared and my smile fell "46." I whispered in response. It's been over twenty years since his death. I left his room and walked to the master bedroom. I walked in and looked around, there was still clothes covering the floor, one of them was a bloody purple shirt, it looked like a uniform. The blood was very old and there was a large hole in the chest area. I shuttered and looked around when my eyes landed on another picture. I wiped away the dust and looked at it. It was another family photo, but different. It looks like the photo has been smashed before. There was a hole, that had been patched up, on Asher's face, and a drop of blood and Noah's. Michael was left untouched. The photo didn't look happy, more of sorrow or sadness, maybe anger and grief. I looked away and around the room again and that's when I noticed something. Claw marks around the vent in the room. I frowned but I couldn't get a closer look. I left the room and looked around the house, there were claw marks around almost every vent, except for the ones in Asher's room. "What the fuck? What are the claws, they're too big to be any animals, and they were definitely not human. I went into the kitchen where I saw a journal. I recognized it. I suggested journaling to Mike as another form of coping. He took it every well and showed me this exact journal that he would use. "Maybe this has some answers." I muttered and grabbed it. I opened it and flipped through pages and years. Something caught my eye.

March 30th, 1998
I did it, I finally escaped that hellhole. I haven't written in years because I died. I don't know how I'm still here but Foxy helped. I was murdered in '95 and somehow possessed Nightmare Funtime Foxy. I met Daisy, she wad one of Noah's old friends before we met, she died a year before me and Noah met and possessed Nightmare Lolbit. Babygeist was our "boss" or "leader" but she was a monster, a monster who was worse than us. If we did something bad then she would hurt us, she ripped off the shell of my arm and ear and it actually hurt. But, I'm glad I escaped and I'm free, finally. I promised that I would go back and free Daisy, once I find the blueprint for the illusion disk, I'll free her. I have a few ideas on where they could be but I need to get a job at the places to look.

My eyes widened. Dead? Daisy? Illusion disk? What the fuck. Has he been living a secret like. But Daisy. I remember the day Noah introduced us to her. We all thought she was more than a friend and now that I look back at that, that was stupid of us. He was so upset when she went missing and I think that's when his depression really started. It either went away or faded to the background when he met Michael. Then it came back even worse after Asher's death and... yeah. I flipped through more pages and read another.

February 18th, 2001
What the fuck is wrong with me. I died. Again? All I remember is that thing. December 7th was my last day on the job but something happened. I was led into this room that had this giant spoon, they called it 'the scooper'. They used it to stab me in the stomach and all I remember is that medal thing coming to me and everything went back. I woke up yesterday and it's been over two months. I'm a fucking corpse. That fucking robot turned me into this. I used to be able to go out but now I can't, the illusion disk is too weak to cover this and I don't know how to upgrade it. I swear I found the blueprint but it's blurry, I can't remember where. I want to dismantle this fucking robot.

My jaw dropped. How has so much happened. Stacy was alive when this happened, she was around 7 in 1998 and 10 in 2001. I couldn't believe this. I closed the journal, but I should've looked through it more, then I would've found him, but I didn't, I just left. An entire wing of the Carter family was dead. A third of our family was gone. Forever.
♡1315 words♡
It's a chapter~ it's a chaper baby!!!! I worked on this with both my computer and my phone and it deleted like half of the original which I loved but it's gone and I couldn't recover it 😒 but I hope you guys enjoyed this and have a wonderful day/night. I love you all 💗💗💗

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