♡Chapter 40♡

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Date: June 1st, 1986
Location: Apartment
Mike: 20
Noah: 22
Ash: 1
♡Michael's Pov♡
We finished putting our boxes into the truck. Noah had insisted that we pay and move to the house in less than a month because my birthday was coming up and he wanted to celebrate in the new house. I watched as the truck drove off with all our stuff. I turned around to see Asher sitting on Noah's leg babbling while mixing in mama and Dada in it, he had learned how to say Dada soon after learning to speak mama because Noah couldn't bare the fact that he said mama before Dada. They were sitting down on the sidewalk out of the way. I 'snuck' around Noah, who totally didn't see me, and picked up Asher. "Raah" I said. He laughed his adorable laugh and I hugged him. "We should get going if we want to meet up with the truck" Noah looked up at me and stood up. He grabbed the bag of stuff we didn't want in the trunk, such as baby snacks. I buckled in Asher in his car seat and closed the door. I went to the driver's window and leaned on the window "I'll meet you there" I said. Noah nodded and I pecked his lips. I reached in and grabbed my keys from his pocket and went to my car. It was Terrance's but I refused to get rid of it. It still had the smell of cigarette smoke from times where he smoked in it. The ashtrays were still full with ash. There were burns in the seats and finally, his hoodie. His favorite hoodie laid on the passenger seat. It's been awhile since I've driven this car because I always let Noah drive me around or just drive his car. I was paranoid that I would wreck it. I ran my hand over the peeling red paint on the hood. The car was a Pontiac Firebird Trans Am SD-455, made in 74. It was Terrance's first and his favorite car.

I opened the door and immediately the smell of cigarette smoke filled my nose

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I opened the door and immediately the smell of cigarette smoke filled my nose. There was also a hint of Terrance's vanilla scent. I sat down on the slightly cracked white leather seat.

 I sat down on the slightly cracked white leather seat

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I closed the door and looked around the interior. I remembered when he first got it. On his sixteenth birthday, only 2 years old. I remembered when he would take me and my friends on small road trips around the city. I remember when I got my license, he had just died so mom and dad gave his car to me. I felt right to have it, like he would've wanted me to have it. I remember that one time where I drove me and Noah to the beach to observe the stars but we ended up making out in the back seat. I smiled as a stray tear rolled down my cheek. Noah had already driven off so I was alone. I looked in the cup holder and saw a closed packet of cigarettes. I smiled and grabbed it. I opened it and half of the box was empty. This was Terrance's, he didn't smoke much from this box because it was his 'lucky packet' because he won a game of football after smoking one. I plucked one out of the box and searched for the cigarette lighter in the arm rest. Eventually I found the small button like lighter. I put it in the slot next to the ignition and pushed it in and waited. Within seconds it popped out and I grabbed the base. The top of it was red hot and I held the cigarette to it and it lit. I put the lighter back in the slot and the cigarette between my lips. I grabbed the crank and turned it to open the window and buckled myself in. I opened the ashtray under the radio and started the car. I put in one of Terrance's favorite tapes and songs from Billy Joel, like Just the Way You Are and Piano Man. He loved Billy Joel and would play him whenever he could whether he played it on his radio in his room or while taking a shower or on the car radio. I pulled out of the lot and started to drive to the house, periodically tapping my cigarette over the ashtray. By the way I got to the house. I was jamming out while lip singing the songs. I didn't even realize that Noah's entire family was in the yard watching me. I blew out a puff of smoke and someone coughed. I jumped and scrambled to pause the tape. I looked out the window and saw Noah. "I see you were having some fun" he said with a small chuckle. I blushed and tapped my cigarette in the ashtray. I put it to my lips and breathed in. "I thought you would stop smoking" I eyed him out of the corner of my eye. I turned to him and blew the smoke in his face. He coughed and laughed as I turned off the car and put the cigarette out in the ashtray. I stepped out of the car and kissed him. "You taste like smoke" he said and I simply grinned. "Alright love birds, let's start getting the boxes" I looked over and saw Christian holding Asher. I closed the window and locked the car. I went over to him and picked up Asher "I'll let him choose his room and play so he'll be out of our hair" I told Noah. I grabbed the bags and headed inside the already unlocked house door. I headed upstairs and walked to each room, besides the master bedroom, and let him choose. I entered a room that was 10x10 ft and when I entered, he immediately wiggled and I put him down. He crawled around before looking at me. I knelt down "do you like it" I asked. "Mama!" He always yelled mama with a smile when he liked something. I smiled and pulled out a few of his toys and poured a few snacks in a small bowl and set it on the floor near him. "Now don't spill it. Mama, dada and dada's family are bringing our stuff from our old home to our new home so you will be alone for a bit" I said as I set the bag in the corner of the room. He didn't respond in anyway, instead he played while grabbing the snacks and shoving them in his mouth. I closed the door but left a crack so we could hear him if he cried or he could come out if he needed one of us. I went downstairs and helped take out the larger furniture out of the truck.
♡literally like seven hours later♡
♡Michael's Pov♡
I watched as Noah flopped on the couch. We had finished unpacking everything. we didn't have to but we wanted to because we knew that it would go faster with seven people instead of two. I flopped down onto Noah making him make an 'oof' sound. "Mike, don't do that" he said. My smile dropped and I felt bad. "I'm sorry, are you ok" I got off him and sat on the floor and I put my hand on his chest looking for any pain I caused. "I think" he said. I bit my lip and nodded. "I-" I nearly choked on a sob 'Great, I'm getting emotional because my period is coming soon' "I'll be in the shower" I said as I stood up. I was sweaty from all that work out but that wasn't the main reason I was taking a shower. I was doing it because it helped me calm down if I was stressed or upset.  When I got to the bathroom in our room, I decided to just take a bath. After a bit of fumbling, I still was working on how to get it on 'bath mode' because the apartment had a shower and a bath separate, I turned on the bath. I got undressed and stepped into the warm water and closed the curtain. I sat down and closed my eyes. I almost fell asleep when I heard "Mike" I jumped with a loud yelp and hit my head on the wall. The curtain was ripped open causing a loud screech from the metal bar above which I flinched at. I looked up at Noah who gave me a worried look. The memories of just ten minutes ago came back. I looked down at my legs as the feeling came back. I saw a bare leg step in and I looked up to be face to face with Noah's dick. I blushed and looked down as he stepped in and closed the curtain. He sat down across from me between my feet. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me onto his lap. He rubbed the back of my head, which still hurt, "are you ok, that sounded like it hurt" I nodded "it hurts a little but I'm fine" he pulled my head forward and kissed it. I looked back up at him "I'm sorry for acting like that, I know you were just joking" he said. I frowned "no, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about, I shouldn't have done that" a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I wiped my cheeks quickly "I'm sorry, I'm such a crybaby" I said with a forced laugh. He held my cheek "you aren't a crybaby, I know you are an emotional person, it's not something to be ashamed of" I looked at him who gave a small smirk "I'm also guessing your period is coming soon" I giggled slightly and nodded. I snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Suddenly I heard a plop and a loud splash. I whipped my head around and saw Asher and his bear underwater. He was struggling to get up to the surface because he was laying down and didn't know how to get up. I scrambled off his lap and picked Asher up who started crying. "How the fuck did he get in" I asked. Noah pulled away the curtain and looked out "I accidentally left the bedroom and bathroom door open and you left his bedroom door open, but I don't know how he climbed in, but he must of wanted one of us" I looked at Asher who was still crying. I rocked him and stood up. "I think he stood up" I said shocked. I stepped out of the gap in the curtain that Noah made. He put a hand on my ass and nudged me a bit "get your ass out of my face" I stepped out full and giggled. I bent forward a bit showing off my ass and wiggled a bit "but I thought you liked my ass" he chuckled "I do, but not now" I giggled a bit more. I walked out of the bathroom, still naked and soaking because I couldn't grab a towel since Asher was taking up my arms. I went to his bedroom and got him changed. Noah came in wrapped in a towel while holding a towel and a baby towel. He wrapped it around me and helped dry off Ash. I calmed him down and put him to bed. "I put his bear in the dryer" I nodded but I knew he needed something "do you know where his blanket it" he thought for a few minutes "no I haven't, I mean I haven't seen it since we packed up his room" I gritted "damn it, I think we left it behind" I thought for a bit "let's just get changed" I walked to our room and went in our closet. As I was getting changed, I noticed something that was a faded red. I pulled it out and saw that it was my old foxy plush. I've had it since I was six, when father's company had started booming. There was a small tear on the arm and his fur was covered in dust. Honestly I don't remember when I picked him up the last time, but I do remember how I brought him everywhere, like how Ash does with teddy. 'Maybe Asher would like this' I finished changing and walked out of the closet, Noah was on the bed shirtless, supposedly naked. He was looking up at the ceiling when he looked at me "where are you doing" I held up the plush "I found my old plush and I think Asher might like it" he nodded and I went to his nursery and set the plush next to Ash. He quickly cuddled it and I smiled. I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. I headed back to our room and closed the door and turned off the light. The small night light lit the room slightly. Yes, we had a night light because I was terrified of the dark because of Freddy's, even with the light, I was still scared. I rushed over to the bed and practically jumped in. Noah quickly wrapped his arms around me. "Darling, it's ok, nothings in here, you're safe, I'm safe, Asher's safe, we're all safe" I pursed my lips together and nuzzled into his chest "I know, but we're in a new place and I'm just a bit paranoid because of Asher" he lifted my chin and kissed me. "I understand, just know that we're all safe" I nodded and snuggled back into his chest and fell asleep.
yey, new house and Asher learned to stand and drown 👌👍. oh and YAY 40 CHAPTERS, thank you everyone for reading this book

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